Asymmetric relationIn mathematics, an asymmetric relation is a binary relation on a set where for all if is related to then is not related to A binary relation on is any subset of Given write if and only if which means that is shorthand for The expression is read as " is related to by " The binary relation is called if for all if is true then is false; that is, if then This can be written in the notation of first-order logic as A logically equivalent definition is: for all at least one of and is , which in first-order logic c
Homogeneous relationIn mathematics, a homogeneous relation (also called endorelation) on a set X is a binary relation between X and itself, i.e. it is a subset of the Cartesian product X × X. This is commonly phrased as "a relation on X" or "a (binary) relation over X". An example of a homogeneous relation is the relation of kinship, where the relation is between people. Common types of endorelations include orders, graphs, and equivalences. Specialized studies of order theory and graph theory have developed understanding of endorelations.
Total relationIn mathematics, a binary relation R ⊆ X×Y between two sets X and Y is total (or left total) if the source set X equals the domain {x : there is a y with xRy }. Conversely, R is called right total if Y equals the range {y : there is an x with xRy }. When f: X → Y is a function, the domain of f is all of X, hence f is a total relation. On the other hand, if f is a partial function, then the domain may be a proper subset of X, in which case f is not a total relation.
Transitive relationIn mathematics, a relation R on a set X is transitive if, for all elements a, b, c in X, whenever R relates a to b and b to c, then R also relates a to c. Each partial order as well as each equivalence relation needs to be transitive. A homogeneous relation R on the set X is a transitive relation if, for all a, b, c ∈ X, if a R b and b R c, then a R c. Or in terms of first-order logic: where a R b is the infix notation for (a, b) ∈ R. As a non-mathematical example, the relation "is an ancestor of" is transitive.
Binary relationIn mathematics, a binary relation associates elements of one set, called the domain, with elements of another set, called the codomain. A binary relation over sets X and Y is a new set of ordered pairs (x, y) consisting of elements x in X and y in Y. It is a generalization of the more widely understood idea of a unary function. It encodes the common concept of relation: an element x is related to an element y, if and only if the pair (x, y) belongs to the set of ordered pairs that defines the binary relation.
Ternary operationIn mathematics, a ternary operation is an n-ary operation with n = 3. A ternary operation on a set A takes any given three elements of A and combines them to form a single element of A. In computer science, a ternary operator is an operator that takes three arguments as input and returns one output. The function is an example of a ternary operation on the integers (or on any structure where and are both defined). Properties of this ternary operation have been used to define planar ternary rings in the foundations of projective geometry.
Weak orderingIn mathematics, especially order theory, a weak ordering is a mathematical formalization of the intuitive notion of a ranking of a set, some of whose members may be tied with each other. Weak orders are a generalization of totally ordered sets (rankings without ties) and are in turn generalized by (strictly) partially ordered sets and preorders.
Antisymmetric relationIn mathematics, a binary relation on a set is antisymmetric if there is no pair of distinct elements of each of which is related by to the other. More formally, is antisymmetric precisely if for all or equivalently, The definition of antisymmetry says nothing about whether actually holds or not for any . An antisymmetric relation on a set may be reflexive (that is, for all ), irreflexive (that is, for no ), or neither reflexive nor irreflexive. A relation is asymmetric if and only if it is both antisymmetric and irreflexive.
Composition of relationsIn the mathematics of binary relations, the composition of relations is the forming of a new binary relation R; S from two given binary relations R and S. In the calculus of relations, the composition of relations is called relative multiplication, and its result is called a relative product. Function composition is the special case of composition of relations where all relations involved are functions. The word uncle indicates a compound relation: for a person to be an uncle, he must be the brother of a parent.
Involution (mathematics)In mathematics, an involution, involutory function, or self-inverse function is a function f that is its own inverse, f(f(x)) = x for all x in the domain of f. Equivalently, applying f twice produces the original value. Any involution is a bijection. The identity map is a trivial example of an involution. Examples of nontrivial involutions include negation (), reciprocation (), and complex conjugation () in arithmetic; reflection, half-turn rotation, and circle inversion in geometry; complementation in set theory; and reciprocal ciphers such as the ROT13 transformation and the Beaufort polyalphabetic cipher.