MATH-449: BiostatisticsThis course covers statistical methods that are widely used in medicine and biology. A key topic is the analysis of longitudinal data: that is, methods to evaluate exposures, effects and outcomes that
MATH-493: Applied biostatisticsThis course covers topics in applied biostatistics, with an emphasis on practical aspects of data analysis using R statistical software. Topics include types of studies and their design and analysis,
DH-406: Machine learning for DHThis course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
MATH-655: Advanced methods for causal inferenceThis course covers recent methodology for causal inference in settings with time-varying exposures (longitudinal data) and causally connected units (interference). We will consider theory for identifi
MSE-234: Mechanical behaviour of materialsCe cours est une introduction au comportement mécanique, à l'élaboration, à la structure et au cycle de vie des grandes classes de matériaux de structure (métaux, polymères, céramiques et composites)