Paul Joseph DysonPaul Dyson joined the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering at the EPFL in 2002 where he heads the Laboratory of Organometallic and Medicinal Chemistry and between 2008 and 2016 chaired the Institute. He has won several prizes including the Werner Prize of the Swiss Chemical Society in 2004, the Award for Outstanding Achievements in Bioorganometallic Chemistry in 2010, the Centennial Luigi Sacconi Medal of the Italian Chemical Society in 2011, the Bioinorganic Chemistry Award of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2015, the European Sustainable Chemistry Award of the European Chemical Society in 2018 and the Green Chemistry Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2020. He is also a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher and has an H-index >110 (web of science and google scholar). He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2010, a Fellow of the European Academy of Science in 2019 and a life-long fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2020. Over the years he has held visiting professorships at the University of Bourgogne, University of Pierre et Marie Curie, University of Vienna, University of Rome Tor Vergara, Chimie Paristech and Shangai Jiao Tong University.Since 2016 he has been Member of the Council of the Division of Mathematics, Natural and Engineering Sciences at the Swiss National Science Foundation.Between 2016-2021 he has been Member of the Council of the Division of Mathematics, Natural and Engineering Sciences at the Swiss National Science Foundation. In 2021 he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Basic Sciences.
Véronique MichaudBackground:
1994 Habilitation à diriger des recherches ( INPG, France)
1991 PhD in Materials Engineering ( MIT, USA)
1987 Ingénieur Civil des Mines ( Ecole des Mines de Paris, France)
Since January 2018: Associate Dean of Engineering, in charge of Education
June 2012-Dec.2017: Head of the Materials Science and Engineering Section
Since April 2017: Associate Professor at EPFL
2009-2017 : Professeur Titulaire at EPFL
1997-2009: Researcher at EPFL
1994-1997 : Chef de Travaux au laboratoire MSS-MAT, Ecole Centrale Paris (France)
1991-1994 : Post-doctoral research associate, MIT (USA)
Author of about 300 publications of which 140 in peer-reviewed journals
Anna Fontcuberta i Morral2014 Associate Professor at the Institut des Matériaux, EPFL
2008 Assistant Professor Tenure Track at the Institut des Matériaux, EPFL
2009 Habilitation in Physics, Technische Universität München
2005-2010 Marie Curie Excellence Grant Team Leader at Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universität München, on leave from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France)
2004-2005 Visiting Scientist at the California Institute of Technology, on leave from CNRS; Senior Scientist and co-founder of Aonex Technologies (a startup company for large area layer transfer of InP and Ge on foreign substrates for the main application of multi-junction solar cells)
2003 Permanent Research Fellow at CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
2001-2002 Postdoctoral Scholar at the California Institute of Technology
Study of wafer bonding and hydrogen-induced exfoliation processes for integration of mismatched materials in views of photovoltaic applications
Sponsor: Professor Harry A. Atwater
1998-2001 PhD in Materials Science, Ecole Polytechnique
Study of polymorphous silicon: growth mechanisms, optical and structural properties. Application to Solar Cells and Thin Film Transistors
Advisor: Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
1997-1998 Diplôme dEtudes Approfondis (D.E.A.) in Materials Science at Université Paris XI, France .
1993-1997 BA in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona
Oleg YazyevProf. Oleg Yazyev (Олег Язев) was born in Simferopol, Crimean peninsula. He obtained his degree in chemistry from Moscow State University in 2003. He then joined Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) completing his PhD thesis in chemistry and chemical engineering in 2007. Next two years he has spent as a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP) and the Institute for Numerical Research in the Physics of Materials (IRRMA) of the same institution. In 2009-2011 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Physics of the University of California, Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In September 2011 he started an independent research group supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation professorship grant. In 2012 he was awarded an ERC Starting grant. His current research focuses on theoretical and computational physics of two-dimensional and topological materials with strong emphasis on their prospective technological applications. ResearcherID profile of Oleg Yazyev Google Scholar profile of Oleg Yazyev
Fabien Sorin Sep 2002-Oct 2007
Ph.D., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, USA.
Supervisor: Prof. Yoel Fink; Thesis: Multi-material, Multifunctional Fiber Devices.
After graduating with an engineering degree and a Master of Science in Physics from the Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau, France, Prof. Sorin joined the department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, USA for his graduate studies. He worked as a research assistant in the Photonic Bandgap Fibers and Devices Group of Professor Yoel Fink and graduated with a PhD in 2008. His PhD thesis led to the development of a new class of fiber material and devices and he was a pioneer of the field of multi-material fibers.
Mar 2008-Oct 2010
Postdoctoral Associate and Research Scientist, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT.
He then joined the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT as a Postdoctoral Associate, and continued as a Research Scientist associate, where he conducted independent research in the emerging field of multi-material fibers and was involved and led a variety of projects in fundamental research as well as in collaborations with local start-ups.
Apr 2011 Feb 2013
Research Engineer, Saint-Gobain Recherche, Aubervilliers, France.
Surface du Verre et interface Group
In 2011, prof. Sorin returned to Europe and joined the company Saint-Gobain in the Saint-Gobain Recherche center, its biggest research center located near Paris in France. As a research engineer, he developed a new research thrust investigating new photonic materials and nanostructures for the energy and building industries. In particular, he and colleagues developed innovative processing approaches to deploy photonic nanostructures for light management over large area substrates, for applications in energy harvesting and saving, and for building materials and windows.
Mar 2013 Present
Assistant Professor tenure-track, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland.
Head of the Photonic materials and fibre devices laboratory (FIMAP)
Since March 2013, he is in the department of Materials Science (IMX) at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) as an assistant professor tenure-track. He is starting a research group on photonic materials and fiber devices (FIMAP), continuing on developing innovative materials processing approaches and photonic device architectures to develop new solutions in energy harvesting, saving and storage, in sensing and monitoring, health care and smart fabrics.