
Ethics Education: Emotional Impact

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DEMO: nulla amet
Ex dolore aliqua aliqua Lorem laboris sit velit aute qui nostrud voluptate. Nulla ullamco cupidatat ullamco enim sunt culpa elit incididunt anim mollit veniam cillum. Sint fugiat amet et qui ipsum officia consectetur labore commodo ut Lorem Lorem.
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This lecture discusses the impact of emotions on ethics education, focusing on the use of emotionally rich cases to improve learning and transfer of ethical decision-making. Emotions play a crucial role in ethical decision-making, enhancing case-based learning and making cases more realistic. The study investigates how emotional case content influences knowledge acquisition and transfer in future ethical decision-making tasks. Results show that emotional case content enhances retention and transfer of ethical principles, leading to better recall and performance. Additionally, the lecture explores the role of self-focused emotions like guilt, shame, and embarrassment in ethical decision-making, highlighting their effects on sensemaking processes, moral intensity perceptions, and decision ethicality. The study reveals the differential effects of these emotions and the impact of cognitive reappraisal on ethical decision-making.

Instructors (2)
sunt ipsum
Deserunt dolore sunt esse ullamco do incididunt dolore aute occaecat occaecat. Mollit cillum magna non pariatur eu reprehenderit laborum ullamco. Deserunt nostrud in velit voluptate aliqua. Officia ipsum voluptate eu excepteur ea veniam occaecat.
officia velit occaecat
Pariatur minim aute mollit cupidatat commodo. Est qui magna aliquip adipisicing esse cupidatat consequat cupidatat mollit eu magna est. Sunt minim quis esse tempor exercitation deserunt eu. Consectetur cupidatat esse esse id ea sint sunt. Enim proident cillum occaecat enim amet nostrud aute nulla quis enim pariatur cillum magna. Cillum aliquip cupidatat veniam ea culpa labore ad laboris in occaecat magna sit nisi et. Culpa id officia labore est sit consequat elit nulla anim veniam nostrud ullamco quis occaecat.
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