Explores the application of oxidation processes in water treatment, focusing on advanced oxidation methods and the removal of micro-pollutants.
Covers oxidation, disinfection, settling, filtration, and chlorination processes in water treatment.
Explores water treatment technologies to ensure safe drinking water quality.
Explores the water treatment process at the Lutry production plant in ensuring high-quality water supply.
Explores the historical challenges and solutions in water and waste treatment, emphasizing the role of engineers in public health and sanitation.
Explores redox kinetics, applications in water treatment, and biological iron removal.
Explores the stages of wastewater treatment, from pre-treatment to disinfection, highlighting the challenges and technologies involved.
Explores disinfection kinetics, UV disinfection, and the role of adsorption processes in water treatment, emphasizing the use of activated carbon for micropollutant removal.
Explores the historical and pandemic perspective of sanitary engineering, emphasizing the treatment and recovery of water and waste.
Explores the legal and practical aspects of safeguarding surface and groundwater, emphasizing sustainable water management practices.