Limb developmentLimb development in vertebrates is an area of active research in both developmental and evolutionary biology, with much of the latter work focused on the transition from fin to limb. Limb formation begins in the morphogenetic limb field, as mesenchymal cells from the lateral plate mesoderm proliferate to the point that they cause the ectoderm above to bulge out, forming a limb bud. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) induces the formation of an organizer at the end of the limb bud, called the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), which guides further development and controls cell death.
VertebrateVertebrates (ˈvɜrtəbrɪts,_-ˌbreɪts) are animals with spinal cords and bony or cartilaginous backbones, including all mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. The vertebrates consist of all the taxa within the subphylum Vertebrata (ˌvɜrtəˈbreɪtə) (chordates with backbones) and represent the overwhelming majority of the phylum Chordata, with currently about 69,963 species described.
Limb (anatomy)A limb is a jointed, muscled appendage of a tetrapod vertebrate animal used for weight-bearing and terrestrial locomotion. The distalmost portion of a limb is known as its extremity. The limbs' bony endoskeleton, known as the appendicular skeleton, is homologous among all tetrapods, who use their limbs for walking, running and jumping, swimming, grasping and climbing. All tetrapods have four limbs that are organized into two bilaterally symmetrical pairs, with one pair at each end of the torso, which phylogenetrically correspond to the four paired fins (pectoral and pelvic fins) of their fish ancestors.
Limb budThe limb bud is a structure formed early in vertebrate limb development. As a result of interactions between the ectoderm and underlying mesoderm, formation occurs roughly around the fourth week of development. In the development of the human embryo the upper limb bud appears in the third week and the lower limb bud appears four days later. The limb bud consists of undifferentiated mesoderm cells that are sheathed in ectoderm.
OsteichthyesOsteichthyes (ˌɒstiːˈɪkθi.iːz), commonly referred to as the bony fish, is a diverse superclass of vertebrates that have skeletons primarily composed of bone tissue. They can be contrasted with the Chondrichthyes, which have skeletons primarily composed of cartilage. The vast majority of fish are members of Osteichthyes, which is an extremely diverse and abundant group consisting of 45 orders, and over 435 families and 28,000 species. It is the largest class of vertebrates in existence today.
Vertebrate paleontologyVertebrate paleontology is the subfield of paleontology that seeks to discover, through the study of fossilized remains, the behavior, reproduction and appearance of extinct animals with vertebrae or a notochord. It also tries to connect, by using the evolutionary timeline, the animals of the past and their modern-day relatives. The fossil record shows aspects of the meandering evolutionary path from early aquatic vertebrates to mammals, with a host of transitional fossils, though there are still large blank areas.
AmnioteAmniotes belong to the clade Amniota, a clade of tetrapod vertebrates that comprises sauropsids (including all reptiles and birds) and synapsids (including mammals and mammal ancestors like "pelycosaurs" and therapsids). They are distinguished from the other living tetrapod clade—the lissamphibians—by the development of three extraembryonic membranes (amnion for embryoic protection, chorion for gas exchange, and allantois for metabolic waste disposal or storage), thicker and more keratinized skin, and costal respiration (breathing by expanding/constricting the rib cage).
Body planA body plan, Bauplan (), or ground plan is a set of morphological features common to many members of a phylum of animals. The vertebrates share one body plan, while invertebrates have many. This term, usually applied to animals, envisages a "blueprint" encompassing aspects such as symmetry, layers, segmentation, nerve, limb, and gut disposition. Evolutionary developmental biology seeks to explain the origins of diverse body plans.
GnathostomataGnathostomata (ˌnæθoʊ-'stɒmətə; from Greek: γνάθος (gnathos) "jaw" + στόμα (stoma) "mouth") are the jawed vertebrates. Gnathostome diversity comprises roughly 60,000 species, which accounts for 99% of all living vertebrates, including humans. In addition to opposing jaws, living gnathostomes have true teeth (a characteristic which has subsequently been lost in some), paired appendages (pectoral and pelvic fins, arms, legs, wings, etc.
Developmental disorderDevelopmental disorders comprise a group of psychiatric conditions originating in childhood that involve serious impairment in different areas. There are several ways of using this term. The most narrow concept is used in the category "Specific Disorders of Psychological Development" in the ICD-10. These disorders comprise developmental language disorder, learning disorders, motor disorders, and autism spectrum disorders. In broader definitions ADHD is included, and the term used is neurodevelopmental disorders.