Paper interfaces offer tremendous possibilities for geometry education in primary schools. Existing computer interfaces designed to learn geometry do not consider the integration of conventional school tools, which form the part of the curriculum. Moreover, most of computer tools are designed specifically for individual learning, some propose group activities, but most disregard classroom-level learning, thus impeding their adoption. We present an augmented reality based tabletop system with interface elements made of paper that addresses these issues. It integrates conventional geometry tools seamlessly into the activity and it enables group and classroom-level learning. In order to evaluate our system, we conducted an exploratory user study based on three learning activities: classifying quadrilaterals, discovering the protractor and describing angles. We observed how paper interfaces can be easily adopted into the traditional classroom practices.
Denis Gillet, Juan Carlos Farah, Sandy Ingram, Fanny Kim-Lan Lasne
Bruno Emanuel Ferreira De Sousa Correia, Anthony Marchand, Emmanuel Doram Levy, Xiao Wang
Maud Ehrmann, Matteo Romanello