Solving transport equations in heterogeneous flows might give rise to scale dependent transport behavior with effective large scale transport parameters differing from those found on smaller scales. For incompressible velocity fields, homogenization methods have proven to be powerful in describing the effective transport parameters. In this paper, we aim at studying the effective drift of transport problems in heterogeneous compressible flows. Such a study was done by Vergassola and Avellaneda in Physica D 106, 148 (1997). There, it was shown that for static compressible flow without mean drift, impacts on the large scale drift do not occur. We will first discuss the impact of a mean drift and show that static compressible flow with mean drift can produce a heterogeneity driven large scale drift (or ballistic transport). For the case of Gaussian stationary random processes, we derive explicit results for the large scale drift. Moreover, we show that the large scale or effective drift depends on the small scale diffusion coefficients and thus on the molecular weights of the particles. This study could be applied to weight-based particle separation. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate these phenomena. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Anne-Florence Raphaëlle Bitbol