We explore the local electronic signatures of molecular adsorption at coordinatively unsaturated binding sites in the metal-organic framework Mg-MOF-74 using X-ray spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. In situ measurements at the Mg K-edge reveal distinct pre-edge absorption features associated with the unique, open coordination of the Mg sites which are suppressed upon adsorption of CO2 and N,N′-dimethylformamide. Density functional theory shows that these spectral changes arise from modifications of local symmetry around the Mg sites upon gas uptake and are strongly dependent on the metal-adsorbate binding strength. The expanded MOF Mg2(dobpdc) displays the same behavior upon adsorption of CO 2 and N,N′-dimethylethylenediamine. Similar sensitivity to local symmetry is expected for any open metal site, making X-ray spectroscopy an ideal tool for examining adsorption in such MOFs. Qualitative agreement between ambient-temperature experimental and 0 K theoretical spectra is good, with minor discrepancies thought to result from framework vibrational motion. © 2013 American Chemical Society.
Michele Ceriotti, Wendy Lee Queen, Shuliang Yang, Mehrdad Asgari, Olga Trukhina, Safak Bulut, Ilia Kochetygov, Rocio Semino Barbaresi