We report an angle-resolved photoemission study of the charge stripe ordered La1.6-xNd0.4SrxCuO4 (Nd-LSCO) system. A comparative and quantitative line-shape analysis is presented as the system evolves from the overdoped regime into the charge ordered phase. On the overdoped side (x = 0.20), a normal-state antinodal spectral gap opens upon cooling below 80 K. In this process, spectral weight is preserved but redistributed to larger energies. A correlation between this spectral gap and electron scattering is found. A different line shape is observed in the antinodal region of charge ordered Nd-LSCO x = 1/8. Significant low-energy spectral weight appears to be lost. These observations are discussed in terms of spectral-weight redistribution and gapping originating from charge stripe ordering.
Vladimir N. Strocov, Marco Vanzini