The Panoptic camera is an omnidirectional multi-aperture visual system which is realized by mounting multiple imaging sensors on a hemispherical frame. In this chapter, we will present a novel distributed and parallel implementation of the real-time omnidirectional vision reconstruction algorithm of the Panoptic Camera, for camera modules with processing, memory and interconnectivity features. A methodology for the arrangement of camera modules with interconnectivity feature into a target interconnection network topology will be introduced. A unique custom-made multiple-FPGA hardware platform designed for the implementation of an interconnected network of a 49 camera prototype Panoptic system will be explained. A novel way to represent the omnidirectional data obtained from the Panoptic Camera and real-time high dynamic range (HDR) video application which is realized by the system will be presented.
Auke Ijspeert, Alessandro Crespi, Mehmet Hasan Mutlu, Simon Lukas Hauser, Jorg Conradt, Ibrahim Youssef Youssef, Alexandre Bernardino