This paper addresses the allocation of frequency control services (FCSs) from aggregated resources of active distribution systems (ARADSs) for balancing the transmission system while considering credible contingencies as well as forecast error of loads and generations through scenarios. First the paper introduces a generic framework for modeling ARADS including distributed energy resources (DERs) as seen from the transmission system operator (TSO) perspective. Afterwards, based on the proposed modeling framework and relying on a DC power flow model, the problem is formulated as a linear optimization problem consisting in minimizing the cost of FCSs provision and deployment from all possible providers including ARADSs and GENCOs. Nodal and total Expected Load Not Served (ELNS) indices are used to measure the security of the transmission system for the different scenarios. Finally, a proof of-concept of the proposed planning strategy is proposed by considering the IEEE 24-bus system.
Fabrizio Sossan, Mokhtar Bozorg, Mohsen Kalantar Neyestanaki