The extension of the linear flavor-wave theory to fully antisymmetric irreducible representations (irreps) of SU(N) is presented in order to investigate the color order of SU(N) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg models in several two-dimensional geometries. The square, triangular, and honeycomb lattices are considered with m fermionic particles per site. We present two different methods: the first method is the generalization of the multiboson spin-wave approach to SU(N) which consists of associating a Schwinger boson to each state on a site. The second method adopts the Read and Sachdev bosons which are an extension of the Schwinger bosons that introduces one boson for each color and each line of the Young tableau. The two methods yield the same dispersing modes, a good indication that they properly capture the semiclassical fluctuations, but the first one leads to spurious flat modes of finite frequency not present in the second one. Both methods lead to the same physical conclusions otherwise: long-range Néel-type order is likely for the square lattice for SU(4) with two particles per site, but quantum fluctuations probably destroy order for more than two particles per site, with N=2m. By contrast, quantum fluctuations always lead to corrections larger than the classical order parameter for the tripartite triangular lattice (with N=3m) or the bipartite honeycomb lattice (with N=2m) for more than one particle per site, m>1, making the presence of color very unlikely except maybe for m=2 on the honeycomb lattice, for which the correction is only marginally larger than the classical order parameter.
Josephine Anna Eleanor Hughes, Max Mirko Polzin
Jian Wang, Matthias Finger, Qian Wang, Yiming Li, Matthias Wolf, Varun Sharma, Yi Zhang, Konstantin Androsov, Jan Steggemann, Leonardo Cristella, Xin Chen, Davide Di Croce, Rakesh Chawla, Matteo Galli, Anna Mascellani, João Miguel das Neves Duarte, Tagir Aushev, Lei Zhang, Tian Cheng, Yixing Chen, Werner Lustermann, Andromachi Tsirou, Alexis Kalogeropoulos, Andrea Rizzi, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Paolo Ronchese, Hua Zhang, Siyuan Wang, Tao Huang, David Vannerom, Michele Bianco, Sebastiana Gianì, Sun Hee Kim, Kun Shi, Wei Shi, Abhisek Datta, Jian Zhao, Federica Legger, Gabriele Grosso, Ji Hyun Kim, Donghyun Kim, Zheng Wang, Sanjeev Kumar, Wei Li, Yong Yang, Ajay Kumar, Ashish Sharma, Georgios Anagnostou, Joao Varela, Csaba Hajdu, Muhammad Ahmad, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Ioannis Evangelou, Muhammad Shoaib, Milos Dordevic, Meng Xiao, Sourav Sen, Xiao Wang, Kai Yi, Jing Li, Rajat Gupta, Muhammad Waqas, Hui Wang, Seungkyu Ha, Pratyush Das, Miao Hu, Anton Petrov, Xin Sun, Valérie Scheurer, Muhammad Ansar Iqbal, Lukas Layer