Abelian integralIn mathematics, an abelian integral, named after the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, is an integral in the complex plane of the form where is an arbitrary rational function of the two variables and , which are related by the equation where is an irreducible polynomial in , whose coefficients , are rational functions of . The value of an abelian integral depends not only on the integration limits, but also on the path along which the integral is taken; it is thus a multivalued function of .
Rational mappingIn mathematics, in particular the subfield of algebraic geometry, a rational map or rational mapping is a kind of partial function between algebraic varieties. This article uses the convention that varieties are irreducible. Formally, a rational map between two varieties is an equivalence class of pairs in which is a morphism of varieties from a non-empty open set to , and two such pairs and are considered equivalent if and coincide on the intersection (this is, in particular, vacuously true if the intersection is empty, but since is assumed irreducible, this is impossible).
Smooth morphismIn algebraic geometry, a morphism between schemes is said to be smooth if (i) it is locally of finite presentation (ii) it is flat, and (iii) for every geometric point the fiber is regular. (iii) means that each geometric fiber of f is a nonsingular variety (if it is separated). Thus, intuitively speaking, a smooth morphism gives a flat family of nonsingular varieties. If S is the spectrum of an algebraically closed field and f is of finite type, then one recovers the definition of a nonsingular variety.
Fano varietyIn algebraic geometry, a Fano variety, introduced by Gino Fano in , is a complete variety X whose anticanonical bundle KX* is ample. In this definition, one could assume that X is smooth over a field, but the minimal model program has also led to the study of Fano varieties with various types of singularities, such as terminal or klt singularities. Recently techniques in differential geometry have been applied to the study of Fano varieties over the complex numbers, and success has been found in constructing moduli spaces of Fano varieties and proving the existence of Kähler–Einstein metrics on them through the study of K-stability of Fano varieties.
Height functionA height function is a function that quantifies the complexity of mathematical objects. In Diophantine geometry, height functions quantify the size of solutions to Diophantine equations and are typically functions from a set of points on algebraic varieties (or a set of algebraic varieties) to the real numbers. For instance, the classical or naive height over the rational numbers is typically defined to be the maximum of the numerators and denominators of the coordinates (e.g.
Picard groupIn mathematics, the Picard group of a ringed space X, denoted by Pic(X), is the group of isomorphism classes of invertible sheaves (or line bundles) on X, with the group operation being tensor product. This construction is a global version of the construction of the divisor class group, or ideal class group, and is much used in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds. Alternatively, the Picard group can be defined as the sheaf cohomology group For integral schemes the Picard group is isomorphic to the class group of Cartier divisors.
Generalized flag varietyIn mathematics, a generalized flag variety (or simply flag variety) is a homogeneous space whose points are flags in a finite-dimensional vector space V over a field F. When F is the real or complex numbers, a generalized flag variety is a smooth or complex manifold, called a real or complex flag manifold. Flag varieties are naturally projective varieties. Flag varieties can be defined in various degrees of generality. A prototype is the variety of complete flags in a vector space V over a field F, which is a flag variety for the special linear group over F.
Galois moduleIn mathematics, a Galois module is a G-module, with G being the Galois group of some extension of fields. The term Galois representation is frequently used when the G-module is a vector space over a field or a free module over a ring in representation theory, but can also be used as a synonym for G-module. The study of Galois modules for extensions of local or global fields and their group cohomology is an important tool in number theory. Given a field K, the multiplicative group (Ks)× of a separable closure of K is a Galois module for the absolute Galois group.
Canonical bundleIn mathematics, the canonical bundle of a non-singular algebraic variety of dimension over a field is the line bundle , which is the nth exterior power of the cotangent bundle on . Over the complex numbers, it is the determinant bundle of the holomorphic cotangent bundle . Equivalently, it is the line bundle of holomorphic n-forms on . This is the dualising object for Serre duality on . It may equally well be considered as an invertible sheaf.
Projective bundleIn mathematics, a projective bundle is a fiber bundle whose fibers are projective spaces. By definition, a scheme X over a Noetherian scheme S is a Pn-bundle if it is locally a projective n-space; i.e., and transition automorphisms are linear. Over a regular scheme S such as a smooth variety, every projective bundle is of the form for some vector bundle (locally free sheaf) E. Every vector bundle over a variety X gives a projective bundle by taking the projective spaces of the fibers, but not all projective bundles arise in this way: there is an obstruction in the cohomology group H2(X,O*).