A Quasi Toeplitz (QT) matrix is a semi-infinite matrix of the kind where, is compact and the norms and are finite. These properties allow to approximate any QT-matrix, within any given precision,by means of a finite number of parameters.QT-matrices, equipped with the norm \alpha \geq (1 + \sqrt{5})/2$,are a Banach algebra with the standard arithmetic operations. We provide an algorithmicdescription of these operations on the finite parametrization of QT-matrices, and we developa MATLAB toolbox implementing them in a transparent way. The toolbox is then extended toperform arithmetic operations on matrices of finite size that have a Toeplitz plus low-rankstructure. This enables the development of algorithms for Toeplitz and quasi-Toeplitz matriceswhose cost does not necessarily increase with the dimension of the problem.Some examples of applications to computing matrix functions and to solving matrix equa-tions are presented, and confirm the effectiveness of the approach.
Daniel Kressner, Alice Cortinovis