We report on a innovative Lab on Fiber (LOF) dosimeter for ionizing radiation monitoring at ultra-high doses. The new dosimeter consists in a metallo-dielectric resonator at sub-wavelength scale supporting localized surface plasmon resonances realized on the optical fiber (OF) tip. The resonating structure involves two gold gratings separated by a templated dielectric layer of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Two LOF prototypes have been manufactured and exposed, at the IRRAD Proton Facility at CERN in Geneva, to 23 GeV protons for a total fluence of 0.67x10(16) protons/cm(2), corresponding to an absorbed dose of 1.8 MGy. Experimental data demonstrate the "radiation resistance" feature of the LOF devices and a clear dependence of the reflected spectrum on the total dose, expressed by a cumulative blue-shift of similar to 1.4 nm of the resonance combined with a slight increase of 0.16 dBm in the reflected spectrum. According to the numerical analysis and the literature, the main phenomenon induced by exposure to proton beam and able to explain the measured spectral behavior is the reduction of the PMMA thickness. Preliminary results demonstrated the potentiality of the proposed platform as dosimeter at MGy dose levels for High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments.