Observations in JET hybrid scenarios show that early termination of the plasma can be caused by tungsten accumulation events, sometimes preceded by large living MHD perturbations [1]. Only recent investigations have been made into understanding the effects of 3D background rotation profiles and 3D MHD equilibria on the transport of heavy impurities. The VENUS- LEVIS PIC code [2] has been used to follow heavy impurities in the presence of a 1/1 kink saturated 3D MHD equilibrium and strong toroidal rotation [3]. In the present work, a now self- consistent treatment of the same problem is pursued. An implementation of the 3D centrifugal effects and 3D electrostatic potential correction on the VENUS-LEVIS code, based on the neo- classical 3D flow theory in [4] and the guiding center theory in [5], is presented. The code is used to follow heavy impurities on a 3D magnetic geommetry with 3D centrifugal effects, in order to understand how these 3D neoclassical effects will affect the overall neoclassical trans- port of heavy impurities. In particular, we focus our study on a saturated 1/1 internal kink mode as it has been seen in experiments that a correlation between this 3D magnetic structure and the inward flux of heavy impurities may exist. Simulations are performed to study this phenomena in both high (Pfirsch-Schlüter) and low (banana) collisionality regimes for the background ions in order to understand the impact of the saturated 1/1 internal kink mode on the peaking of tungsten distributions in JET hybrid scenarios exhibiting continuous 1/1 activity.
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Laurent Villard, Andrei Martynov