Anatomically and biophysically detailed data-driven neuronal models have become widely used tools for understanding and predicting the behavior and function of neurons. Due to the increasing availability of experimental data from anatomical and electrophysiological measurements as well as the growing number of computational and software tools that enable accurate neuronal modeling, there are now a large number of different models of many cell types available in the literature. These models were usually built to capture a few important or interesting properties of the given neuron type, and it is often unknown how they would behave outside their original context. In addition, there is currently no simple way of quantitatively comparing different models regarding how closely they match specific experimental observations. This limits the evaluation, re-use and further development of the existing models. Further, the development of new models could also be significantly facilitated by the ability to rapidly test the behavior of model candidates against the relevant collection of experimental data. We address these problems for the representative case of the CA1 pyramidal cell of the rat hippocampus by developing an open-source Python test suite, which makes it possible to automatically and systematically test multiple properties of models by making quantitative comparisons between the models and electrophysiological data. The tests cover various aspects of somatic behavior, and signal propagation and integration in apical dendrites. To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we applied our tests to compare the behavior of several different rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cell models from the ModelDB database against electrophysiological data available in the literature, and evaluated how well these models match experimental observations in different domains. We also show how we employed the test suite to aid the development of models within the European Human Brain Project (HBP), and describe the integration of the tests into the validation framework developed in the HBP, with the aim of facilitating more reproducible and transparent model building in the neuroscience community. Author summary Anatomically and biophysically detailed neuronal models are useful tools in neuroscience because they allow the prediction of the behavior and the function of the studied cell type under circumstances that are hard to investigate experimentally. However, most detailed biophysical models have been built to capture a few selected properties of the real neuron, and it is often unknown how they would behave under different circumstances, or whether they can be used to successfully answer different scientific questions. To help the modeling community develop better neural models, and to make the process of model building more reproducible and transparent, we developed a test suite that enables the comparison of the behavior of models of neurons in the rat hippocampus and their evaluation against experimental data. Applying our tests to several models available in the literature enabled us to assess and compare how precisely each of these models is able to match various electrophysiological properties of the real neurons. We also use the test suite in the model development workflow of the European Human Brain Project to aid the construction of better models of hippocampal neurons and networks.
Michael Reimann, András Ecker, Sirio Bolaños Puchet, James Bryden Isbister, Daniela Egas Santander
Felix Schürmann, Armando Romani, Michele Migliore, Luca Leonardo Bologna