We study properties of arithmetic sets coming from multiplicative number theory and obtain applications in the theory of uniform distribution and ergodic theory. Our main theorem is a generalization of Kátai's orthogonality criterion. Here is a special case of this theorem:Theorem. Let \begin{document}\end{document} be a bounded sequence satisfying \begin{document}\begin{equation*} \sum\limits_{n\leq x} a(pn)\overline{a(qn)} = {\rm{o}} (x),\;\; {\mathit{for\;all\;distinct\;primes}\;\; p \;\;\mathit{and}\;\; q}. \end{equation*}\end{document} Then for any multiplicative function \begin{document}\end{document} and any \begin{document}\end{document} the indicator function of the level set \begin{document}\end{document} satisfies \begin{document}\begin{equation*} \sum\limits_{n\leq x} {1_{E}(n)a(n)} = {\rm{o}} (x). \end{equation*}\end{document} With the help of this theorem one can show that if \begin{document}E = \{n_1<n_2<\ldots\}\end{document} is a level set of a multiplicative function having positive density, then for a large class of sufficiently smooth functions the sequence is uniformly distributed . This class of functions includes: all polynomials such that at least one of the coefficients is irrational, for any c > 0 with , for any r > 2, , , and . The uniform distribution results, in turn, allow us to obtain new examples of ergodic sequences, i.e. sequences along which the ergodic theorem holds.
Michaël Unser, Alexis Marie Frederic Goujon, Joaquim Gonçalves Garcia Barreto Campos