Uranium isotopic signatures can be harnessed to monitor the reductive remediation of subsurface contamination or to reconstruct paleo-redox environments. However, the mechanistic underpinnings of the isotope fractionation associated with U reduction remain poorly understood. Here, we present a coprecipitation study, in which hexavalent U (U(VI)) was reduced during the synthesis of magnetite and pentavalent U (U(V)) was the dominant species. The measured δ238U values for unreduced U(VI) (∼−1.0‰), incorporated U (96 2% U(V), ∼−0.1‰), and extracted surface U (mostly U(IV), ∼0.3‰) suggested the preferential accumulation of the heavy isotope in reduced species. Upon exposure of the U-magnetite coprecipitate to air, U(V) was partially reoxidized to U(VI) with no significant change in the δ238U value. In contrast, anoxic amendment of a heavy isotope-doped U(VI) solution resulted in an increase in the δ238U of the incorporated U species over time, suggesting an exchange between incorporated and surface/aqueous U. Overall, the results support the presence of persistent U(V) with a light isotope signature and suggest that the mineral dynamics of iron oxides may allow overprinting of the isotopic signature of incorporated U species. This work furthers the understanding of the isotope fractionation of U associated with iron oxides in both modern and paleo-environments.
Deyanira Graciela Cisneros Lazaro
Marinella Mazzanti, Rizlan Bernier-Latmani, Margaux Camille Andréa Molinas, Radmila Faizova, Ashley Richards Brown