We consider increasingly complex models of matrix denoising and dictionary learning in the Bayes-optimal setting, in the challenging regime where the matrices to infer have a rank growing linearly with the system size. This is in contrast with most existing literature concerned with the low-rank (i.e., constant-rank) regime. We first consider a class of rotationally invariant matrix denoising problems whose mutual information and minimum mean-square error are computable using techniques from random matrix theory. Next, we analyze the more challenging models of dictionary learning. To do so we introduce a combination of the replica method from statistical mechanics together with random matrix theory, coined spectral replica method. This allows us to derive variational formulas for the mutual information between hidden representations and the noisy data of the dictionary learning problem, as well as for the overlaps quantifying the optimal reconstruction error. The proposed method reduces the number of degrees of freedom from circle minus(N-2) matrix entries to circle minus(N) eigenvalues (or singular values), and yields Coulomb gas representations of the mutual information which are reminiscent of matrix models in physics. The main ingredients are a combination of large deviation results for random matrices together with a replica symmetric decoupling ansatz at the level of the probability distributions of eigenvalues (or singular values) of certain overlap matrices and the use of Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber spherical integrals.