This paper presents the results of a theoretical and experimental investigation of the potential of enhanced groove geometries to increase the bearing clearance of a Herringbone Grooved Journal Bearing (HGJB) supported rotor. The theoretical study investigates various groove geometries of different complexities and their effect on the stability threshold of a particular rotor geometry. The theoretical results obtained from a rigid-body rotordynamic model suggest an increase of more than 300% in instability onset speed when enhanced groove geometries are used compared to a classical, helically grooved rotor featuring the same radial bearing clearance. As part of the experimental investigation, one rotor shaft with classical grooves, representing the baseline rotor, and four rotors of identical diameter and clearance, but featuring enhanced grooves of varying degrees of complexity, were manufactured and experimentally tested. Good agreement between the experimentally determined speed of instability onset and the prediction was found for the investigated enhanced groove patterns. Experimental results of the classical rotor suggest the onset of instability to occur at a rotational speed of 56 krpm, whereas a speed of 180 krpm was achieved when enhanced groove geometries were applied to the rotor, which agrees very well with the theoretically predicted results and confirms the potential of enhanced groove geometries to stabilize HGJBs. Furthermore, the rotor featuring only a varying groove angle along the rotor axis was found to perform similarly to fully enhanced grooves of varying groove width, depth, and angle, hence representing a good trade-off between performance increase and design cost.
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Pascal Frossard, Andrea Cavallaro, Apostolos Modas