We extend the group-theoretic notion of conditional flatness for a localization functor to any pointed category, and investigate it in the context of homological categories and of semi-abelian categories. In the presence of functorial fiberwise localization, analogous results to those obtained in the category of groups hold, and we provide existence theorems for certain localization functors in specific semi-abelian categories. We prove that a Birkhoff subcategory of an ideal determined category yields a conditionally flat localization, and explain how conditional flatness corresponds to the property of admissibility of an adjunction from the point of view of categorical Galois theory. Under the assumption of fiberwise localization, we give a simple criterion to determine when a (normal epi)-reflection is a torsion-free reflection. This is shown to apply, in particular, to nullification functors in any semi-abelian variety of universal algebras. We also relate semi-left-exactness for a localization functor L with what is called right properness for the L-local model structure.