Precise modeling is essential to the success of the OMG's Model Driven Architecture initiative. At the modeling level (M1) OCL allows for the precision needed to write executable models. Can OCL be extended to become a full high-level executable language with side-effects? At the meta-level (M2), queries, views and transformations are subjects that will be vital to the success of the OMG's Model Driven Architecture initiative. Will OCL 2.0 become an essential part of the Queries/Views/Transformations standard and what will be its application areas in industry? Can the features of OCL 2.0 be used in the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approach? This workshop aims at bringing together people from academia that are expected to report on inspiring ideas for innovative application scenarios and tools, and industrial practitioners, which are expected to provide statements on their view of the future of OCL in the context of MDE.