COM-502: Dynamical system theory for engineersLinear and nonlinear dynamical systems are found in all fields of science and engineering. After a short review of linear system theory, the class will explain and develop the main tools for the quali
BIO-341: Dynamical systems in biologyLife is non-linear. This course introduces dynamical systems as a technique for modelling simple biological processes. The emphasis is on the qualitative and numerical analysis of non-linear dynamical
ME-523: Nonlinear Control SystemsLes systèmes non linéaires sont analysés en vue d'établir des lois de commande. On présente la stabilité au sens de Lyapunov, ainsi que des méthodes de commande géométrique (linéarisation exacte). Div
MATH-301: Ordinary differential equationsCe cours donne une introduction rigoureuse au principaux thèmes de la théorie des équations différentielles ordinaires (EDO). Les EDO sont fondamentales pour l'étude des systèmes dynamiques et des équ
ME-466: InstabilityThis course focuses on the physical mechanisms at the origin of the transition of a flow from laminar to turbulent using the hydrodynamic instability theory.
MATH-518: Ergodic theoryThis is an introductory course in ergodic theory, providing a comprehensive overlook over the main aspects and applications of this field.
ME-467: TurbulenceThis course provides an introduction to the physical phenomenon of turbulence, its probabilistic description and modeling approaches including RANS and LES. Students are equipped with the basic knowle