Nonparametric statistics is the type of statistics that is not restricted by assumptions concerning the nature of the population from which a sample is drawn. This is opposed to parametric statistics, for which a problem is restricted a priori by assumptions concerning the specific distribution of the population (such as the normal distribution) and parameters (such the mean or variance). Nonparametric statistics is based on either not assuming a particular distribution or having a distribution specified but with the distribution's parameters not specified in advance (though a parameter may be generated by the data, such as the median). Nonparametric statistics can be used for descriptive statistics or statistical inference. Nonparametric tests are often used when the assumptions of parametric tests are evidently violated.
The term "nonparametric statistics" has been defined imprecisely in the following two ways, among others:
Non-parametric methods are widely used for studying populations that have a ranked order (such as movie reviews receiving one to four "stars"). The use of non-parametric methods may be necessary when data have a ranking but no clear numerical interpretation, such as when assessing preferences. In terms of levels of measurement, non-parametric methods result in ordinal data.
As non-parametric methods make fewer assumptions, their applicability is much more general than the corresponding parametric methods. In particular, they may be applied in situations where less is known about the application in question. Also, due to the reliance on fewer assumptions, non-parametric methods are more robust.
Another justification for the use of non-parametric methods is simplicity. In certain cases, even when the use of parametric methods is justified, non-parametric methods may be easier to use. Due both to this simplicity and to their greater robustness, non-parametric methods are considered by some statisticians as being less susceptible to improper use and misunderstanding.
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vignette|Une régression linéaire. Les statistiques, dans le sens populaire du terme, traitent à l'aide des mathématiques l'étude de groupe d'une population. En statistique descriptive, on se contente de décrire un échantillon à partir de grandeurs comme la moyenne, la médiane, l'écart type, la proportion, la corrélation, etc. C'est souvent la technique qui est utilisée dans les recensements. Dans un sens plus large, la théorie statistique est utilisée en recherche dans un but inférentiel.
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thumb|Exemple d'histogramme. Échantillon de 100 valeurs générées pour une distribution normale N(0,1). En statistique, un histogramme est une représentation graphique permettant de représenter la répartition empirique d'une variable aléatoire en la représentant avec des colonnes correspondant chacune à une classe. L’histogramme est un moyen rapide pour étudier la répartition d’une variable. Il peut être, en particulier utilisé en gestion de la qualité lorsque les données sont obtenues lors d’une fabrication.
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Couvre le concept de régression du noyau et rend les données linéairement séparables en ajoutant des fonctionnalités et en utilisant des méthodes locales.
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