In tabletop games and video games, game mechanics are the rules or ludemes that govern and guide the player's actions, as well as the game's response to them. A rule is an instruction on how to play, a ludeme is an element of play like the L-shaped move of the knight in chess. A game's mechanics thus effectively specify how the game will work for the people who play it. There are no accepted definitions of game mechanics. Some competing definitions include the opinion that game mechanics are "systems of interactions between the player and the game", that they "are more than what the player may recognize, they are only those things that impact the play experience", and "In tabletop games and video games, 'game mechanics' are the rules and procedures that guide the player and the game response to the player's moves or actions". All games use mechanics; however, there are different theories as to their ultimate importance to the game. In general, the process and study of game design are efforts to come up with game mechanics that allow for people playing a game to have an engaging, but not necessarily fun, experience. The interaction of various game mechanics in a game determines the complexity and level of player interaction in the game, and in conjunction with the game's environment and resources determine game balance. Some forms of game mechanics have been used in games for centuries, while others are relatively new, having been invented within the past decade. Gameplay could be defined as the combination and interaction of many elements of a game. However, there is some confusion as to the difference between game mechanics and gameplay. For some, gameplay is nothing more than a set of game mechanics. For others, gameplay—especially when referenced in the term of "basic gameplay"—refers to certain core game mechanics which determine the overall characteristics of the game itself. For example, the basic gameplay of a shooting or fighting video game is to hit while not being hit.
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Concepts associés (26)
Game mechanics
In tabletop games and video games, game mechanics are the rules or ludemes that govern and guide the player's actions, as well as the game's response to them. A rule is an instruction on how to play, a ludeme is an element of play like the L-shaped move of the knight in chess. A game's mechanics thus effectively specify how the game will work for the people who play it. There are no accepted definitions of game mechanics.
Game design
Le game design est le processus de création et de mise au point des règles et autres éléments constitutifs d'un jeu. L'expression, qui s'applique à tout type de jeu, dont les jeux de société et les jeux de cartes, a connu un regain d'intérêt à la suite de l'apparition et de la popularisation des jeux vidéo. Les jeux ont été étudiés tout d'abord aux plans historique ou anthropologique, notamment par des personnalités comme Johan Huizinga ou Roger Caillois.
vignette| Vue détaillée du plateau lors d'une partie de Terra Mystica, un Eurogame sorti en 2012. Un Eurogame (parfois aussi appelé jeu allemand ou jeu de style européen) est un type de jeu de société qui est caractérisé par une interaction indirecte entre les joueurs et des composants physiques abstraits. Les Eurogames sont parfois opposés aux jeux de société de style américain, qui impliquent généralement plus de hasard et d'interactions directes entre les joueurs.
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Cours associés (24)
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Ce cours propose d'acquérir des compétences en étude du jeu vidéo et en game design, tout en invitant les étudiant.e.s à mettre leurs connaissances au service d'un projet collectif de gamification d'u
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