Nicolas GrandjeanNicolas Grandjean received a PhD degree in physics from the University ofNice Sophia Antipolis in 1994 and shortly thereafter joined the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) as a permanent staff member. In 2004, he was appointed tenure-track assistant professor at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) where he created the Laboratory for advanced semiconductors for photonics and electronics. He was promoted to full professor in 2009. He was the director of the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics from 2012 to 2016 and then moved to the University of California at Santa Barbara where he spent 6 months as a visiting professor. Since 2018, he is the head of the School of Physics at the EPFL. He was awarded the Sandoz Family Foundation Grant for Academic Promotion, received the “Nakamura Lecturer” Award in 2010, the "Quantum Devices Award” at the 2017 Compound Semiconductor Week, and “2016 best teacher” award from the EPFL Physics School. His research interests are focused on the physics of nanostructures and III-V nitride semiconductor quantum photonics.
Andras Kis2015− Associate professor, EPFL, STI, Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEL) and Materials Science and Engineering Institute (IMX)
2008−2015 Tenure-track assistant professor at EPFL, School of Engineering (STI), Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEL)
2004−2007 Postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley, Physics Department in the group of Prof. Zettl
2000−2003 PhD student at EPFL, Faculty of basic sciences, Institute of physics of complex matter, group of Prof. Forró
1994−1999 MS, Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia
1994 Baccalaureate, MIOC (Mathematical and Informational Educational Center) high school
Franz-Karl ReinhartOriginaire d'Oberdorf (SO), Franz-Karl Reinhart est né à Bassersdorf (ZH) le 12 juillet 1933. Diplômé ingénieur électricien à l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Zurich en 1958, il obtient son doctorat ès sciences techniques à l'Institut d'électronique avancée de l'EPFZ en 1962.
En 1963, il est membre du "Technical Staff" du Laboratoire de recherche en électronique à l'état solide chez Bell, à Murray Hill (New Jersey) aux Etats-Unis. Il s'intéresse à l'optique des ondes guidées, particulièrement à la modulation électro-optique dans les guides d'onde à jonction p-n, aux lasers semiconducteurs à injection et à l'optique intégrée monolithique. Depuis mars 1983, il est professeur ordinaire d'optoélectronique à l'Institut de physique appliquée et, depuis octobre 1987, à l'Institut de micro- et optoélectronique de l'EPFL. Il enseigne dans les domaines de l'optique et de la physique du solide. Il a développé les bases d'un laboratoire d'optoélectronique et de supraconductivité à haute température de transition.
Il s'intéresse principalement à la physique des semiconducteurs, à la supraconductivité et aux applications industrielles. Son activité primaire consiste en la préparation et l'étude de nouveaux matériaux et dispositifs quantiques pour les applications en micro- et optoélectronique.
Marc IlegemsMarc Ilegems obtained degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Brussels in 1965 and a doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1970. From 1969 to 1977 he was a Member of Technical Staff at the Solid State Electronics Research Laboratory, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill. He joined the Ecole Polytechnique Federale (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Lausanne in October 1977 as Professor and Director of the new Interdepartmental Institute of Microelectronics (1977-1983) and subsequently as Director of the Institute of Micro- and Optoelectronics (1983-2000) and of the Semiconductor Device Physics Laboratory (1983-2005).
Prof. Ilegems served as Dean of the Department of Physics from 1998 to 2000, and as Director of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) in Quantum Photonics (2001-2005), the Swiss Priority Program OPTICS (1993-1999) and the Swiss National Program on Micro- and Optoelectronics (1983-90). He is a member of the Scientific Council and has acted as expert and consultant for several national and European research organizations.
His current activities include technical and patent consulting for private organizations, contributions to the definition and management of research programs in the framework of bilateral collaborations between Poland, Hungary and Switzerland (2011-2017), and participation as member of various ICT and FET review panels within the Horizon 2020 programme.
Prof. Ilegems received an honorary doctorate from the University of Toulouse (1998) and the Heinrich Welker Award from the Compound Semiconductor Symposium (2006) for his contributions to III-V semiconductor materials and device research.
The research activities of the Semiconductor Device Physics Laboratory centred on the physics and technology of semiconductor devices. The main subjects of interest included quantum photonics (semiconductor microcavities, light emitting diodes, lasers and detectors), wide bandgap semiconductor nitrides, physics of nano and low-dimensional structures, high electron mobility transistors, crystal growth and materials technology. The research programs were carried out in close collaboration with numerous academic and industrial groups in Switzerland and abroad, in particular within the framework of programs of the European Community.
Earlier research topics pursued at Bell Laboratories and at EPFL include Molecular Beam Epitaxy and doping of GaAs and AlGaAs thin films with applications to heterostructure lasers, detectors, and Bragg mirrors, hydride vapor phase epitaxy and physical characterization of GaN on sapphire, liquid-solid phase diagrams of ternary III-V compound systems, and silicon-based non-volatile memory cells.
Prof. Ilegems is the author or co-author of over 250 scientific publications (citation index h = 48) and 7 book chapters, and has supervised over 30 doctoral students in Lausanne. His academic contacts include stays as invited professor at Stanford University (1994) and at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2007).
Pasquale ScarlinoI obtained my master's degree in Physics at the University of Salento, Lecce (Italy) in February 2011. During 2006-2011, I have also been a student of Scuola Superiore ISUFI (SSI). SSI is one of six schools of excellence established in Italy to develop the intellectual capital in technological and social sciences. I conducted an external Master thesis project during an 8 months internship in the Quantum Transport Group at TU Delft, under the supervision of Prof. L.M.K. Vandersypen. There, I implemented the Quantum Point Contact Radio-Frequency Reflectometry technique, which allows increasing the single-shot electron spin readout bandwidth and is currently routinely used in the group.I obtained my Ph.D. degree in February 2016, in the Spin Qubits group of Prof. L.M.K. Vandersypen at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience-Qutech (TU Delft). During my Ph.D. I have been leading the Si/SiGe spin qubits project, collaborating with the M. Eriksson Group at Wisconsin University. In parallel, I have been working on other different projects, in particular with GaAs depletion quantum dots, high impedance superconducting resonators, and surface acoustic wave resonators. I have been working as a Postdoc fellow in the group of Prof. A. Wallraff (Quantum Device Lab) at ETH Zurich. My main project, in collaboration with the group of Prof. K. Ensslin and Prof. T. Ihn, consisted in integrating semiconductor and superconductor technologies. Realizing a well-controlled interface between the semiconductor and superconductor-based quantum information technologies may allow harnessing the best of both device architectures, for example by providing an interface between strongly coupled charge state and high coherence spin states. Furthermore, it enables the possibility to explore light/matter hybridization in a class of solid-state systems and regimes that are new in the context of quantum optics.From June 2019 till September 2020, I have been a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Station Q Copenhagen and at the Center for Quantum Devices in Copenhagen, focusing on developing semiconductor-superconducting hybrid hardware for topologically protected quantum computation.Since October 2020, I am a tenure track Assistant Professor of Physics in the School of Basic Sciences at the EPFL where I founded the Hybrid Quantum Circuit (HQC) laboratory.
Anna Fontcuberta i Morral2014 Associate Professor at the Institut des Matériaux, EPFL
2008 Assistant Professor Tenure Track at the Institut des Matériaux, EPFL
2009 Habilitation in Physics, Technische Universität München
2005-2010 Marie Curie Excellence Grant Team Leader at Walter Schottky Institut, Technische Universität München, on leave from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France)
2004-2005 Visiting Scientist at the California Institute of Technology, on leave from CNRS; Senior Scientist and co-founder of Aonex Technologies (a startup company for large area layer transfer of InP and Ge on foreign substrates for the main application of multi-junction solar cells)
2003 Permanent Research Fellow at CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, France
2001-2002 Postdoctoral Scholar at the California Institute of Technology
Study of wafer bonding and hydrogen-induced exfoliation processes for integration of mismatched materials in views of photovoltaic applications
Sponsor: Professor Harry A. Atwater
1998-2001 PhD in Materials Science, Ecole Polytechnique
Study of polymorphous silicon: growth mechanisms, optical and structural properties. Application to Solar Cells and Thin Film Transistors
Advisor: Pere Roca i Cabarrocas
1997-1998 Diplôme dEtudes Approfondis (D.E.A.) in Materials Science at Université Paris XI, France .
1993-1997 BA in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona
Benoît Marie Joseph DeveaudBenoît Deveaud est maintenant Directeur Adjoint à l'Enseignement et la Recherche, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau.
Benoît Deveaud est né en France en 1952. Il est admis en 1971 à l'Ecole Polytechnique de Paris et s'y spécialise en physique. En 1974, il entre au Centre National d'Etudes des Télécommunications. Il mène à la fois les études sur les centres profonds dans les semi-conducteurs III-V, et poursuit ses études de physique en préparant un diplôme d'études approfondies en physique des solides. En 1984, il soutient sa thèse de doctorat à l'Université de Grenoble.
Entre-temps, son équipe s'intéresse aux microstructures et lance une recherche sur les propriétés structurales et optiques des super réseaux à base d'arséniure de gallium. Ces études mettent en évidence par exemple le transport vertical dans les superréseaux ou la quantification des énergies de transition dans un puits quantique. En 1986 il rejoint l'équipe de Daniel Chemla aux Bell Laboratories (Holmdel USA) et participe à la mise au point de la première expérience de luminescence ayant une résolution temporelle meilleure qu'une picoseconde. Il étudie les processus de relaxation ultra-rapide dans les puits quantiques.
Rentré en France, au CNET, en 1988, il dirige un laboratoire d'études ultra-rapides, portant sur les propriétés optiques et électroniques des matériaux semi-conducteurs.
Nommé professeur en physique à l'EPFL en octobre 1993, son équipe de recherche étudie la physique des processus ultrarapides dans les micro- et nanostructures et les composants qui les utilisent.
Il a dirigé l'Institut de Micro et Optoélectronique depuis 1998 puis l'Institut de Photonique et électronique quantique de 2003 à 2007. Son équipe participe activement au Pôle national de Recherche "Quantum Photonics" dont il a été le Directeur Adjoint de 2001 à 2005 puis le Directeur de 2005 à 2013.
Il a été Doyen pour la recherche à l'EPFL de 2008 à 2014.
De 2014 à 2017, il a dirigé l'Institut de Physique.
Il a été editeur divisionnaire de Physical Review Letters de 2001 à 2007.