
Contextual learning

Contextual learning is based on a constructivist theory of teaching and learning. Learning takes place when teachers are able to present information in such a way that students are able to construct meaning based on their own experiences. Contextual learning experiences include internships, service learning and study abroad programs. Contextual learning has the following characteristics: emphasizing problem solving recognizing that teaching and learning need to occur in multiple contexts assisting students in learning how to monitor their learning and thereby become self-regulated learners anchoring teaching in the diverse life context of students encouraging students to learn from each other employing authentic assessment Current perspectives on what it means for learning to be contextualized include situated cognition – all learning is applied knowledge social cognition – intrapersonal constructs distributed cognition – constructs that are continually shaped by other people and things outside the individual Constructivist learning theory maintains that learning is a process of constructing meaning from experience Both direct instruction and constructivist activities can be compatible and effective in the achievement of learning goals. Increasing one’s efforts results in more ability. This theory opposes the notion that one’s aptitude is unchangeable. Striving for learning goals motivates an individual to be engaged in activities with a commitment to learning. Children learn the standards values, and knowledge of society by raising questions and accepting challenges to find solutions that are not immediately apparent. Other learning processes are explaining concepts, justifying their reasoning and seeking information. Therefore, learning is a social process which requires social and cultural factors to be considered during instructional planning. This social nature of learning also drives the determination of the learning goals. Knowledge and learning are situated in particular physical and social context.
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