Language developmentLanguage development in humans is a process starting early in life. Infants start without knowing a language, yet by 10 months, babies can distinguish speech sounds and engage in babbling. Some research has shown that the earliest learning begins in utero when the fetus starts to recognize the sounds and speech patterns of its mother's voice and differentiate them from other sounds after birth. Typically, children develop receptive language abilities before their verbal or expressive language develops.
OrthophonieL'orthophonie (ortho : « droit », phonè : « son »), ou logopédie (logos : « parole », paideia : « éducation ») en Belgique et en Suisse, est une profession paramédicale, pratiquée par des orthophonistes uniquement avec prescription médicale en France et au Canada, des logopèdes en Belgique et des logopédistes en Suisse, et liée à un champ d'expertises et de pratiques thérapeutiques spécialisées dans l'évaluation et le traitement des troubles de la communication que ce soit à la voix, à la parole et au langa
DysphasieLa dysphasie est un trouble central lié au « développement du langage oral et [elle peut] toucher les aspects réceptifs (décoder le langage reçu) et/ou expressifs (phonologiques, lexicaux, syntaxiques...) ». Elle peut cibler plus particulièrement l’expression (« dysphasie expressive »), la compréhension (« dysphasie de réception ») ou les deux à la fois (« dysphasie mixte »). Ce trouble a des répercussions de longue durée sur la communication du sujet atteint, puisqu’il s’agit d’un trouble structurel de l’apprentissage du langage, d’une anomalie du développement du langage.
Speech repetitionSpeech repetition occurs when individuals speak the sounds that they have heard another person pronounce or say. In other words, it is the saying by one individual of the spoken vocalizations made by another individual. Speech repetition requires the person repeating the utterance to have the ability to map the sounds that they hear from the other person's oral pronunciation to similar places and manners of articulation in their own vocal tract.
Trouble du langageLes troubles du langage concernent les personnes qui parlent peu ou mal, ont des difficultés pour réaliser des gestes simples, sont intelligents mais semblent mal comprendre ou mal entendre, ont de la peine à lire et à écrire, font des gestes et des mimiques à défaut du mot correspondant, sont lents et ont une scolarisation difficile, ont du mal à soutenir l'attention ou dont le comportement peut poser problème. L’aphasie est définie comme une perte partielle ou complète de l’utilisation du langage consécutive à des lésions cérébrales, généralement situées dans l’hémisphère gauche du cerveau.
Developmental language disorderDevelopmental language disorder (DLD) is identified when a child has problems with language development that continue into school age and beyond. The language problems have a significant impact on everyday social interactions or educational progress, and occur in the absence of autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability or a known biomedical condition. The most obvious problems are difficulties in using words and sentences to express meanings, but for many children, understanding of language (receptive language) is also a challenge.
Social (pragmatic) communication disorderSocial (pragmatic) communication disorder (SPCD), also known as pragmatic language impairment (PLI), is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication. Individuals with SPCD struggle to effectively engage in social interactions, interpret social cues, and use language appropriately in social contexts. This disorder can have a profound impact on an individual's ability to establish and maintain relationships, navigate social situations, and participate in academic and professional settings.
Child developmentChild development involves the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the conclusion of adolescence. Childhood is divided into three stages of life which include early childhood, middle childhood, and late childhood (preadolescence). Early childhood typically ranges from infancy to the age of 6 years old. During this period, development is significant, as many of life's milestones happen during this time period such as first words, learning to crawl, and learning to walk.
Developmental verbal dyspraxiaDevelopmental verbal dyspraxia (DVD), also known as childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) and developmental apraxia of speech (DAS), is a condition in which an individual has problems saying sounds, syllables and words. This is not because of muscle weakness or paralysis. The brain has problems planning to move the body parts (e.g., lips, jaw, tongue) needed for speech. The individual knows what they want to say, but their brain has difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary to say those words.
ParoleLa parole est le langage articulé humain (même si des études ethologiques et philosophiques sont en cours pour déterminer si d’autres animaux pourraient être considérés comme dotés de parole, notamment les perroquets) destiné à communiquer la pensée, et est à distinguer des communications orales diverses, comme les cris, les alertes ou les gémissements. « Articuler la parole » consiste à former des signes audibles, les syllabes, formant les mots qui constituent des symboles.