MICRO-520: Laser microprocessingThe physical principles of laser light materials interactions are introduced with a large number of industrial application examples. Materials processing lasers are developing further and further, the
MSE-205: Materials mechanicsLa mécanique des solides déformables est abordée pour déterminer les contraintes et déformations dans divers matériaux isotropes sollicités en traction, compression, cisaillement, torsion et flexion.
PHYS-200: Physics IIIThe students understand and apply the physics of fluids, and the basics of electromagnetism and electronic schemes
ME-232: Mechanics of structures (For GM)L'étudiant acquiert les bases de l'analyse des contraintes et déformation des poutres élastiques linéaires soumises à la traction, cisaillement, torsion, flexion; les coefficients d'influence et la m
ME-104: Introduction to structural mechanicsThe student will acquire the basis for the analysis of static structures and deformation of simple structural elements. The focus is given to problem-solving skills in the context of engineering desig
CIVIL-238: Structural mechanics (for GC)The course discusses the basic principles of structural mechanics, analyzing the performance of materials and structures against loading and focuses on the stress strain relationships and the effect
CIVIL-235: Design of steel structuresCe cours permet de maitriser les aspects fondamentaux et pratiques du dimensionnement des structures en acier. Il traite des poutres, des poteaux, des assemblages, des cadres, des systèmes porteurs et