

Abalone (ˈæbəloʊni or ˌæbəˈloʊni; via Spanish abulón, from Rumsen aulón) is a common name for any of a group of small to very large marine gastropod molluscs in the family Haliotidae. Other common names are ear shells, sea ears, and, rarely, muttonfish or muttonshells in parts of Australia, ormer in the UK, perlemoen in South Africa, and pāua in New Zealand. Abalones are marine snails. Their taxonomy puts them in the family Haliotidae, which contains only one genus, Haliotis, which once contained six subgenera. These subgenera have become alternative representations of Haliotis. The number of species recognized worldwide ranges between 30 and 130 with over 230 species-level taxa described. The most comprehensive treatment of the family considers 56 species valid, with 18 additional subspecies. The shells of abalones have a low, open spiral structure, and are characterized by several open respiratory pores in a row near the shell's outer edge. The thick inner layer of the shell is composed of nacre (mother-of-pearl), which in many species is highly iridescent, giving rise to a range of strong, changeable colors which make the shells attractive to humans as decorative objects, jewelry, and as a source of colorful mother-of-pearl. The flesh of abalones is widely considered to be a desirable food, and is consumed raw or cooked by a variety of cultures. Most abalone vary in size from (Haliotis pulcherrima) to . The largest species, Haliotis rufescens, reaches . The shell of abalones is convex, rounded to oval in shape, and may be highly arched or very flattened. The shell of the majority of species has a small, flat spire and two to three whorls. The last whorl, known as the body whorl, is auriform, meaning that the shell resembles an ear, giving rise to the common name "ear shell". Haliotis asinina has a somewhat different shape, as it is more elongated and distended. The shell of Haliotis cracherodii cracherodii is also unusual as it has an ovate form, is imperforate, shows an exserted spire, and has prickly ribs.
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Concepts associés (23)
Abalone (ˈæbəloʊni or ˌæbəˈloʊni; via Spanish abulón, from Rumsen aulón) is a common name for any of a group of small to very large marine gastropod molluscs in the family Haliotidae. Other common names are ear shells, sea ears, and, rarely, muttonfish or muttonshells in parts of Australia, ormer in the UK, perlemoen in South Africa, and pāua in New Zealand. Abalones are marine snails. Their taxonomy puts them in the family Haliotidae, which contains only one genus, Haliotis, which once contained six subgenera.
Les mollusques (Mollusca) sont un embranchement d'animaux lophotrochozoaires. Ce sont des animaux non segmentés, à symétrie bilatérale quelquefois altérée. Leur corps se compose généralement d'une tête, d'une masse viscérale, et d'un pied. La masse viscérale est recouverte en tout ou partie par un manteau, qui sécrète une coquille calcaire. Le système nerveux comprend un double collier périœsophagien. La cavité générale est plus ou moins réduite au péricarde et aux néphridies.
vignette|Animation montrant les découpages possibles en 5, 4, 3 ou 1 seul océan(s). vignette|Le grand océan planétaire, mis en valeur par la projection de Fuller. Un océan est souvent défini, en géographie, comme une vaste étendue d'eau salée comprise entre deux continents. En fait, il s'agit plutôt d'un volume, dont l'eau est en permanence brassée par des courants marins. Approximativement 70,8 % de la surface de la Terre est recouverte par l'océan mondial, communément divisé en cinq océans et en plusieurs dizaines de mers.
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