Crystal optics is the branch of optics that describes the behaviour of light in anisotropic media, that is, media (such as crystals) in which light behaves differently depending on which direction the light is propagating. The index of refraction depends on both composition and crystal structure and can be calculated using the Gladstone–Dale relation. Crystals are often naturally anisotropic, and in some media (such as liquid crystals) it is possible to induce anisotropy by applying an external electric field. Typical transparent media such as glasses are isotropic, which means that light behaves the same way no matter which direction it is travelling in the medium. In terms of Maxwell's equations in a dielectric, this gives a relationship between the electric displacement field D and the electric field E: where ε0 is the permittivity of free space and P is the electric polarization (the vector field corresponding to electric dipole moments present in the medium). Physically, the polarization field can be regarded as the response of the medium to the electric field of the light. In an isotropic and linear medium, this polarization field P is proportional and parallel to the electric field E: where χ is the electric susceptibility of the medium. The relation between D and E is thus: where is the dielectric constant of the medium. The value 1+χ is called the relative permittivity of the medium, and is related to the refractive index n, for non-magnetic media, by In an anisotropic medium, such as a crystal, the polarisation field P is not necessarily aligned with the electric field of the light E. In a physical picture, this can be thought of as the dipoles induced in the medium by the electric field having certain preferred directions, related to the physical structure of the crystal. This can be written as: Here χ is not a number as before but a tensor of rank 2, the electric susceptibility tensor. In terms of components in 3 dimensions: or using the summation convention: Since χ is a tensor, P is not necessarily colinear with E.
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Concepts associés (22)
Optique cristalline
L'optique cristalline est la branche de l'optique qui décrit le comportement de la lumière dans les milieux anisotropes, c'est-à-dire les milieux (tels que les cristaux) dans lesquels la lumière se comporte différemment selon la direction dans laquelle elle se propage. L'indice de réfraction dépend à la fois de la composition et de la structure cristalline, et peut être calculé à l'aide de la relation de Gladstone-Dale.
droite|vignette|400px|Le texte apparait en double après avoir traversé le cristal de calcite. C'est la double réfraction, un phénomène caractéristique des milieux biréfringents. La biréfringence est la propriété physique d'un matériau dans lequel la lumière se propage de façon anisotrope. Dans un milieu biréfringent, l'indice de réfraction n'est pas unique, il dépend de la direction de polarisation de l'onde lumineuse. Un effet spectaculaire de la biréfringence est la double réfraction par laquelle un rayon lumineux pénétrant dans le cristal est divisé en deux.
Lame à retard
thumb|360px|Une lame demi-onde. La lumière entrant dans la lame peut être décomposée en deux polarisations perpendiculaires (en bleu et vert). À l'intérieur de la lame, la polarisation verte prend un retard par rapport à la bleue. La lumière en sortie est alors polarisée différemment. Une lame à retard est un outil optique capable de modifier la polarisation de la lumière la traversant. Contrairement à un polariseur, l'état de polarisation de la lumière à la sortie de la lame dépend de l'état à l'entrée.
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Cours associés (4)
PHYS-470: Nonlinear optics for quantum technologies
This course provides the fundamental knowledge and theoretical tools needed to treat nonlinear optical interactions, covering both classical and quantum theory of nonlinear optics. It presents applica
MICRO-712: Piezoelectric bulk and surface acoustic devices
Course dealing with the design and fabrication of fundamental components of smart phones front-end communication (filters, duplexers, quadplexers).
PHYS-201(d): General physics: electromagnetism
The topics covered by the course are concepts of fluid mechanics, waves, and electromagnetism.
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