In topology and related areas of mathematics, the neighbourhood system, complete system of neighbourhoods, or neighbourhood filter for a point in a topological space is the collection of all neighbourhoods of
Neighbourhood of a point or set
An of a point (or subset) in a topological space is any open subset of that contains
A is any subset that contains open neighbourhood of ;
explicitly, is a neighbourhood of in if and only if there exists some open subset with .
Equivalently, a neighborhood of is any set that contains in its topological interior.
Importantly, a "neighbourhood" does have to be an open set; those neighbourhoods that also happen to be open sets are known as "open neighbourhoods."
Similarly, a neighbourhood that is also a closed (respectively, compact, connected, etc.) set is called a (respectively, , , etc.).
There are many other types of neighbourhoods that are used in topology and related fields like functional analysis.
The family of all neighbourhoods having a certain "useful" property often forms a neighbourhood basis, although many times, these neighbourhoods are not necessarily open. Locally compact spaces, for example, are those spaces that, at every point, have a neighbourhood basis consisting entirely of compact sets.
Neighbourhood filter
The neighbourhood system for a point (or non-empty subset) is a filter called the The neighbourhood filter for a point is the same as the neighbourhood filter of the singleton set
A or (or or ) for a point is a filter base of the neighbourhood filter; this means that it is a subset
such that for all there exists some such that
That is, for any neighbourhood we can find a neighbourhood in the neighbourhood basis that is contained in
Equivalently, is a local basis at if and only if the neighbourhood filter can be recovered from in the sense that the following equality holds:
A family is a neighbourhood basis for if and only if is a cofinal subset of with respect to the partial order (importantly, this partial order is the superset relation and not the subset relation).
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Techniques et théories de base pour les équations aux dérivées partielles d'évolution. Etude d'exemples fondamentaux: équations du premier ordre, équation des ondes, équation de la chaleur. Théorème d
In mathematics, a filter on a set is a family of subsets such that: and if and , then If , and , then A filter on a set may be thought of as representing a "collection of large subsets", one intuitive example being the neighborhood filter. Filters appear in order theory, model theory, and set theory, but can also be found in topology, from which they originate. The dual notion of a filter is an ideal.
En mathématiques, un espace pseudo-métrique est un ensemble muni d'une pseudo-distance. C'est une généralisation de la notion d'espace métrique. Sur un espace vectoriel, tout comme une norme induit une distance, une semi-norme induit une semi-distance. Pour cette raison, en analyse fonctionnelle et dans les disciplines mathématiques apparentées, l'expression « espace semi-métrique » est utilisée comme synonyme d'espace pseudo-métrique (alors qu'« espace semi-métrique » a un autre sens en topologie).
En mathématiques, un espace topologique X est à bases dénombrables de voisinages si tout point x de X possède une base de voisinages dénombrable, c'est-à-dire s'il existe une suite V, V, V, ... de voisinages de x telle que tout voisinage de x contienne l'un des V. Cette notion a été introduite en 1914 par Felix Hausdorff. Tout espace métrique (donc aussi tout espace métrisable) est à bases dénombrables de voisinages (prendre par exemple V = une boule (ouverte ou fermée) de centre x et de rayon 2).
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