Thrombosis (from Ancient Greek θρόμβωσις thrómbōsis "clotting") is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system. When a blood vessel (a vein or an artery) is injured, the body uses platelets (thrombocytes) and fibrin to form a blood clot to prevent blood loss. Even when a blood vessel is not injured, blood clots may form in the body under certain conditions. A clot, or a piece of the clot, that breaks free and begins to travel around the body is known as an embolus.
Thrombosis may occur in veins (venous thrombosis) or in arteries (arterial thrombosis). Venous thrombosis (sometimes called DVT, deep vein thrombosis) leads to a blood clot in the affected part of the body, while arterial thrombosis (and, rarely, severe venous thrombosis) affects the blood supply and leads to damage of the tissue supplied by that artery (ischemia and necrosis). A piece of either an arterial or a venous thrombus can break off as an embolus, which could then travel through the circulation and lodge somewhere else as an embolism. This type of embolism is known as a thromboembolism. Complications can arise when a venous thromboembolism (commonly called a VTE) lodges in the lung as a pulmonary embolism. An arterial embolus may travel further down the affected blood vessel, where it can lodge as an embolism.
Thrombosis is generally defined by the type of blood vessel affected (arterial or venous thrombosis) and the precise location of the blood vessel or the organ supplied by it.
Venous thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the formation of a blood clot within a deep vein. It most commonly affects leg veins, such as the femoral vein. Three factors are important in the formation of a blood clot within a deep vein—these are the rate of blood flow, the thickness of the blood and qualities of the vessel wall. Classical signs of DVT include swelling, pain and redness of the affected area.
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This lecture will cover anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, biophysics of the blood, cardiac mechanics, hemodynamics and biomechanics of the arterial system, microcirculation and biom
Le but est de connaitre et comprendre le fonctionnement des systèmes cardiovasculaire, urinaire, respiratoire, digestif, ainsi que du métabolisme de base et sa régulation afin de déveloper une réflect
Explore les équations de transport hyperboliques et les schémas numériques, en mettant l'accent sur les méthodes et les caractéristiques d'ordre supérieur pour des solutions exactes.
Explore la base moléculaire et le traitement des maladies cardiovasculaires, en mettant l'accent sur l'athérosclérose, l'hypertension et les pharmacothérapies.
Un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC), anciennement accident cérébrovasculaire (ACV) et populairement appelé attaque cérébrale, infarctus cérébral ou congestion cérébrale (AVC et ACV étant tous deux des terminologies acceptées), est un déficit neurologique soudain d'origine vasculaire causé par un infarctus ou une hémorragie au niveau du cerveau. Le terme souligne l'aspect soudain ou brutal des symptômes, mais dans la plupart des cas les causes de cette affection sont internes (liées à l'âge, l'alimentation ou l'hygiène de vie, notamment).
La coagulation sanguine est un processus complexe aboutissant à la formation de caillots sanguins. C’est une partie importante de l’hémostase où la paroi endommagée d’un vaisseau sanguin est couverte d’un caillot de fibrine, ce qui a pour conséquence d'arrêter l’hémorragie. Les troubles de la coagulation qui mènent à des risques de saignements plus importants sont appelés hémophilie. D'autres troubles de la coagulation peuvent mener à un plus grand risque de thrombose.
Un anticoagulant est une substance chimique ayant la propriété d'inhiber la coagulabilité naturelle du sang. Le sang ainsi traité ne coagulera pas ou alors moins vite, mais gardera la même viscosité. L'usage principal de l'anticoagulant est à visée médicale. La coagulation est un phénomène physiologique, procédant en cascade et faisant intervenir plusieurs protéines plasmatiques. Ce processus une fois mis en jeu aboutit à la formation d'un caillot (un clou plaquettaire), qui dans le fonctionnement physiologique non pathologique permet de freiner ou de juguler les hémorragies.
Compliant vascular grafts for implantation in the vasculature are provided. The compliant vascular grafts are designed to expand longitudinally and radially within a blood vessel, such as an artery, and is expected to be particularly well suited for treati ...
In acute ischemic stroke, the composition of the occlusive clot can be associated with the underlying pathophysiology and the response to treatment. For these reasons, it is important to characterize the clot composition from clinical scans. We examine the ...
We analyse the haemodynamics of the left atrium, highlighting differences between healthy individuals and patients affected by atrial fibrillation. The computational study is based on patient-specific geometries of the left atria to simulate blood flow dyn ...