Building services engineeringBuilding services engineering (BSE) is a professional engineering discipline that strives to achieve a safe and comfortable indoor environment whilst minimizing the environmental impact of a building. Alternative titles are "mechanical, electrical and plumbing" (MEP) engineering, "technical building services", "building engineering" or "facilities and services planning engineering". The term BSE is widely used in Commonwealth countries (incl.
Construction managementConstruction management (CM) is a professional service that uses specialized, project management techniques and software to oversee the planning, design, construction and closeout of a project. The purpose of construction management is to control the quality of a project's scope, time / delivery and cost—sometimes referred to as a project management triangle or "triple constraints." CM is compatible with all project delivery systems, including design-bid-build, design-build, CM At-Risk and Public Private Partnerships.
Architecturevignette|upright=1.2|La cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Beauvais, , toute en pierre de taille, est l’exemple le plus aérien et dématérialisé de l'architecture gothique qui atteint là ses limites techniques. vignette|upright=1.2|La coupole du Panthéon, construit dans l'Antiquité romaine au début du , est restée de loin la plus large coupole du monde durant de nombreux siècles. Elle ne sera égalée qu'au par le dôme de la cathédrale de Florence qui marque de ce fait le début de la Renaissance, pour n'être dépassée qu'à partir du par les dômes contemporains.
Fire protection engineeringFire protection engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to protect people, property, and their environments from the harmful and destructive effects of fire and smoke. It encompasses engineering which focuses on fire detection, suppression and mitigation and fire safety engineering which focuses on human behavior and maintaining a tenable environment for evacuation from a fire. In the United States 'fire protection engineering' is often used to include 'fire safety engineering'.
Architectural technologistThe architectural technologist, also known as a building technologist, provides technical building design services and is trained in architectural technology, building technical design and construction. Architectural technologists apply the science of architecture and typically concentrate on the technology of building, design technology and construction. The training of an architectural technologist concentrates on the ever-increasingly complex technical aspects in a building project, but matters of aesthetics, space, light and circulation are also involved within the technical design, leading the professional to assume decisions which are also non-technical.
Structural engineerStructural engineers analyze, design, plan, and research structural components and structural systems to achieve design goals and ensure the safety and comfort of users or occupants. Their work takes account mainly of safety, technical, economic, and environmental concerns, but they may also consider aesthetic and social factors. Structural engineering is usually considered a specialty discipline within civil engineering, but it can also be studied in its own right.
Building designBuilding design refers to the broadly based architectural, engineering and technical applications to the design of buildings. All building projects require the services of a building designer, typically a licensed architect. Smaller, less complicated projects often do not require a licensed professional, and the design of such projects is often undertaken by building designers, draftspersons, interior designers (for interior fit-outs or renovations), or contractors.
Constructionvignette|upright|Les grues sont essentielles pour des travaux importants tels que les gratte-ciel. La construction est le fait d'assembler différents éléments d'un édifice en utilisant des matériaux et des techniques appropriées. Le secteur économique de la construction, appelé « bâtiment et travaux publics » (BTP) dans une partie de l'Europe francophone, regroupe toutes les activités de conception et de construction des bâtiments publics et privés, industriels ou non, et des infrastructures telles que les routes ou les canalisations.
Ingénierie des structuresL'ingénierie des structures est un domaine de l'ingénierie et plus particulièrement du génie civil, traitant de la stabilité des constructions (conception et de l'analyse des structures). Une structure est soumise à différentes actions, permanentes ou variables dans le temps, statiques ou dynamiques, de nature mécanique ou thermique, et sa conception vise à satisfaire certains critères vis-à-vis de ces actions : Sécurité : sa résistance, son équilibre et sa stabilité doivent être assurés avec une probabilité choisie ; Performance : son fonctionnement et le confort associés doivent être garantis pour une durée suffisante ; Durabilité : la dégradation de la structure dans le temps doit être limitée et maîtrisée pour satisfaire les deux premiers critères.
StructureA structure is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized. Material structures include man-made objects such as buildings and machines and natural objects such as biological organisms, minerals and chemicals. Abstract structures include data structures in computer science and musical form. Types of structure include a hierarchy (a cascade of one-to-many relationships), a network featuring many-to-many links, or a lattice featuring connections between components that are neighbors in space.