Youth culture refers to the societal norms of children, adolescents, and young adults. Specifically, it comprises the processes and symbolic systems that are shared by the youth and are distinct from those of adults in the community. An emphasis on clothes, popular music, sports, vocabulary, and dating typically sets youth apart from other age groups. Within youth culture, there are many constantly changing youth subcultures, which may be divided based on race, ethnicity, economic status, public appearance, or a variety of other factors. There is a debate surrounding the presence, existence, and origins of youth culture. Some researchers argue that youth culture is not a separate culture, as their values and morals are not distinct from those of their parents. Additionally, peer influence varies greatly among contexts, gender, age, and social status, making a single "youth culture" difficult to define. Others argue there are definite elements of youth society that constitute culture, which differ from those of their parent's culture. Janssen et al. used the terror management theory (TMT) to argue for the existence of youth culture. They tested the following hypothesis: "If youth culture serves to help adolescents deal with problems of vulnerability and finiteness, then reminders of mortality should lead to increased allegiance to cultural practices and beliefs of the youth." The results supported the hypothesis and the outcome of previous studies, and suggest that youth culture is a culture. Schwartz and Merten used adolescent language to argue that youth culture is distinct from the rest of society. Schwartz argued that high school students used their vocabulary to create meanings that are distinct to adolescents. Specifically, the adolescent status terminology (the words that adolescents use to describe hierarchical social statuses) contains qualities and attributes that are not present in adult status judgments. According to Schwartz, this reflects a difference in social structures and the ways that adults and teens experience social reality.
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Concepts associés (2)
La jeunesse est une classe d'âge réunissant l'enfance et l'adolescence (du début de la puberté à la majorité), auxquelles s'ajoute, dans les pays développés, une période entre la majorité et l'âge de 25 voire 30 ans durant laquelle les individus sont habituellement qualifiés de « jeunes adultes ». La limite supérieure de la tranche d'âge appelée « la jeunesse » varie selon les cultures. Si l'enfance et l'adolescence sont des subdivisions unanimement admises, les pays développés, notamment occidentaux, y rajoutent généralement la catégorie des « jeunes adultes ».
vignette|240px|Adolescents polonais. L'adolescence (du latin ădŏlēscēns, -centĭa, ) est une phase du développement humain physique et mental qui se produit pendant la période de la vie humaine s'étendant de la puberté jusqu'à l'âge adulte. Les critères de définition de l'adolescence ont varié au fil de l'histoire. L'entrée dans l'adolescence est généralement marquée par les changements biologiques déclenchés par des changements hormonaux de la puberté, et sa durée sur le plan social est liée au degré de dépendance financière envers les parents.