Jean-Pierre HubauxJean-Pierre Hubaux is a full professor at EPFL and head of the Laboratory for Data Security. Through his research, he contributes to laying the foundations and developing the tools for protecting privacy in today’s hyper-connected world. He has pioneered the areas of privacy and security in mobile/wireless networks and in personalized health. He is the academic director of the Center for Digital Trust (C4DT). He leads the Data Protection in Personalized Health (DPPH) project funded by the ETH Council and is a co-chair of the Data Security Work Stream of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH). From 2008 to 2019 he was one of the seven commissioners of the Swiss FCC. He is a Fellow of both IEEE (2008) and ACM (2010). Recent awards: two of his papers obtained distinctions at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy in 2015 and 2018. He is among the most cited researchers in privacy protection and in information security. Spoken languages: French, English, German, Italian
Yves WeinandBiography
Architect and civil engineer, Prof. Dr. Yves Weinand is one of the most recognised researchers in the field of contemporary wood construction. Founder of the Bureau d'Etude Weinand, he has, since 1996, designed and worked on many emblematic wooden buildings, such as the Saint Loup Chapel, the new Vaudois Parliament or, more recently, the Timber Pavilion of Vidy in Lausanne. His fundamental research questions the technical and static possibilities of wooden materials. The interdisciplinary exploration carried out at the EPFL's Laboratory for Timber Constructions (Ibois), of which he is director, concerns wood in all its aspects, from round wood to manufactured wood. The recent research carried out at Ibois on free structures with wood-wood connections (without screw nor glue) has been the subject of several technological transfers, and stands as tangible proof of new possibilities for wood construction. Yves Weinand is currently working on a large-scale project for a hall for the head office of a joinery in Luxembourg, consisting of a succession of arches with spans of 22.5 to 53.7m, entirely assembled in wood ). Through new innovative approaches, the ambition of his research is to develop a new generation of renewable and ecological wooden construction.He is regularly invited to present his work at international symposia on timber construction.
Fields of expertise
Architectural designTimber structuresDigital FabricationRobotic AssemblyStructural Wood mechanicsIntegrally Attached Timber plate structures
2012 Grand Prix d'Architecture de Wallonie
2014 Best Paper Award, Advances in Architectural Geometry conference. (IBOIS team)
2017 Medal for Research and Technique by the Academy of Architecture. 2018 Mention Régionale, Prix Lignum for the Timber Pavilion of Vidy-Lausanne
2019 "Disctinction Bois 2019" for the Nouveau Parlement vaudois.2019 Grand Prix d'Architecture de Wallonie____________________________________________________________________________
Selected publications
Les Cahiers de l'Ibois/ Ibois Notebooks 1, F. Fromonot, S. Berthier, Y. Rocher, publication directors: Y. Weinand et C. Catsaros, 2020 EPFL Press Le Pavillon en bois du Théâtre de Vidy, under the direction of Yves Weinand; V. Baudriller, J. Gamerro, M. Jaccard, C. Robeller; 2017, PPURAdvanced Timber Structures - Architectural Designs and Digital Dimensioning, Y. Weinand, 2017, Birkhaüser, publié en trois langues (french : Structures Innovantes en Bois (2016); german : Neue Holztragwerke - Architektonische Entwürfe und digitale Bemessung (2017)Grubenmann Project / Projekt Grubenmann, Y. Weinand, 2016, Stiftung Grubenmann-SammlungTimber Project: Nouvelles formes d’architectures en bois, Y. Weinand, 2010, PPURArchitexto, Y. Weinand and D. Darcis, 2009, Editions Fourre-Tout, LiègeLe bois soudé, B. Stamm and Y. Weinand, 2004, Architecture Bois & DépendanceNew Modeling - projeter ensemble, Y. Weinand, 2003, PPUR Marilyne AndersenMarilyne Andersen est professeure ordinaire en technologies durables de la construction et dirige le Laboratoire Performance Intégrée au Design (LIPID) qu'elle a fondé en automne 2010. Elle a été Doyenne de la Faculté de l'Environnement Naturel, Architectural et Construit (ENAC) de l'EPFL de 2013 à 2018 et est la Directrice Académique du Smart Living Lab à Fribourg. Elle co-dirige également le Student Kreativity and Innovation Laboratory (SKIL) à l'ENAC.Avant de rejoindre l'EPFL, elle était professeure assistante puis associée (tenure-track) dans le Building Technology Group du MIT, au sein du Département d'Architecture, où elle a fondé et dirigé le MIT Daylighting Lab depuis 2004. Elle a aussi été professeure invitée à la Singapore University of Technology and Design en 2019. Marilyne Andersen détient un Master ès sciences en physique et s'est spécialisée dans l'éclairage naturel durant sa thèse dans la physique du bâtiment à l'EPFL au Laboratoire d'énergie solaire et de physique du bâtiment (LESO) ainsi qu'en tant que chercheuse invitée au Building Technologies Department du Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory en Californie. Ses recherches se situent à l'interface entre sciences, ingénierie et architecture avec une attention spécifique sur l'impact de la lumière naturelle sur les occupants d'un bâtiment. Avec un focus sur les questions de confort, de perception et de santé et leurs implications énergétiques, ces efforts de recherche visent à une intégration plus profonde de la performance lumineuse et du confort intérieur dans le processus de conception, grâce à de nouvelles synergies avec d'autres domaines scientifiques, comme la chronobiologie et les neurosciences ainsi que la psychophysique ou l'informatique et l'imagerie digitale. Elle s'appuie sur ces recherches pour les étendre à la pratique architecturale à travers la startup OCULIGHT dynamics qu'elle a co-fondée, et qui offre des services spécialisés en éclairage naturel avec un accent particulier sur les effets psycho-physiologiques de la lumière naturelle sur les occupants d'un bâtiment. Elle est l'auteure de plus de 200 articles référés publiés dans des revues scientifiques et lors de conférences internationales, ainsi que la lauréate de plusieurs bourses et prix dont: le Daylight Award for Research (2016), onze prix et distinctions pour ses publications (2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021) dont le Taylor Technical Talent Award 2009 décerné par la Illuminating Engineering Society, le 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award (2009), le Mitsui Career Development Professorship au MIT (2008) et le prix EPFL de la Fondation Chorafas en durabilité attribué pour sa thèse (2005). Ses travaux de recherche ou d'enseignement ont été soutenus par des organisations professionnelles, institutionnelles et industrielles tels que les Fonds National pour la Recherche Scientifique (en Suisse et aux USA), la fondation Velux, le programme Européen Horizon 2020, la Boston Society of Architects, la MIT Energy Initiative et InnoSuisse. Elle a été la directrice et responsable académique de l'équipe suisse et son projet NeighborHub, qui a gagné la compétition U.S. Solar Decathlon 2017 avec 8 podiums sur 10 épreuves. Elle est membre du Conseil de la Fondation LafargeHolcim pour la construction durable et dirige son Comité Académique. Elle est également membre du conseil éditorial de la revue scientifique Building and Environment chez Elsevier ainsi que des revues LEUKOS (de la Illuminating Engineering Society) et Buildings and Cities chez Taylor et Francis. Elle est Experte pour le Conseil d'Innovation InnoSuisse ainsi que membre fondatrice et membre du Conseil de la Fondation Culture du Bâti (CUB). Elle est aussi membre fondatrice de la Daylight Academy et membre active de plusieurs comités de l'Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) et de la Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE).
David Atienza AlonsoDavid Atienza Alonso is an associate professor of EE and director of the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at EPFL, Switzerland. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in computer science and engineering from UCM, Spain, and IMEC, Belgium, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. His research interests include system-level design methodologies for multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) servers and edge AI architectures. Dr. Atienza has co-authored more than 350 papers, one book, and 12 patents in these previous areas. He has also received several recognitions and award, among them, the ICCAD 10-Year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award in 2020, Design Automation Conference (DAC) Under-40 Innovators Award in 2018, the IEEE TCCPS Mid-Career Award in 2018, an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2016, the IEEE CEDA Early Career Award in 2013, the ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award in 2012, and a Faculty Award from Sun Labs at Oracle in 2011. He has also earned two best paper awards at the VLSI-SoC 2009 and CST-HPCS 2012 conference, and five best paper award nominations at the DAC 2013, DATE 2013, WEHA-HPCS 2010, ICCAD 2006, and DAC 2004 conferences. He serves or has served as associate editor of IEEE Trans. on Computers (TC), IEEE Design & Test of Computers (D&T), IEEE Trans. on CAD (T-CAD), IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (T-SUSC), and Elsevier Integration. He was the Technical Program Chair of DATE 2015 and General Chair of DATE 2017. He served as President of IEEE CEDA in the period 2018-2019 and was GOLD member of the Board of Governors of IEEE CASS from 2010 to 2012. He is a Distinguished Member of ACM and an IEEE Fellow.
Inès LamunièreProfessor Emeritus
Architect EPFL SIA FAS, and previously Full Professor at EPFL, Inès Lamunière now heads with her partners:
dl-a, designlab-architecture SA, Geneva, Switzerland (
This internationally known architecture firm has taken over all activities in the domain of urban planning that were previously led at the LAMU-EPFL Laboratory.
The architecture of dl-a, designlab-architecture displays a dedicated commitment to context and sustainability at all levels, transforming these concerns into distinctive and atmospheric buildings. Their projects and buildings have been exhibited (La galerie d’architecture, Paris in 2010, and Istituto Svizzero, Milano in 2019) and widely published (Birkhaüser 1997, 2006, 2019, Archibooks 2010, Infolio 2011 and 2018).
Inès Lamunière was born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1954. After studying architecture at the EPF Lausanne, where she graduated in 1980, she continued her training in architectural theory and history as a member of the Swiss Institute in Rome, and then became an assistant lecturer at the ETH Zurich under Professor Werner Oechslin. She co-edited the Geneva-based architecture journal Faces - Journal d’architectures from 1989 to 2004.
In 1996, 1999 and 2008 she was Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University.
In 1991 she was appointed as adjunct professor, Design Studio Master I-III at ETH Zurich and in 1994, as associate professor in Architecture and Design at EPF Lausanne. In parallel to her teaching and from 2001 to 2018, she set up and directed the research team and laboratory LAMU (Laboratory of Urban Architecture and Mobility – EPFL).
She was Chair of the Department of Architecture, EPFL, from 2008 to 2011 and Member of the Board of ARCHIZOOM, from 2008 to 2012.
She serves as Vice-President of the EPFL WISH Foundation (Women in Sciences and Humanities), from 2006 to 2016. And since 2016, Member of the Board of the Fondation pour le développement des arts et de la culture (FODAC) in Geneva.
2011 Grand Swiss Art Award - Meret Oppenheim Prize.
2017 Chevalier des arts et lettres, Ministry of Culture, France.
Main publications in architectural Design:
Joseph Abram, Devanthéry & Lamunière, Fo(u)r Example(s), Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 1996.
Joseph Abram, Devanthéry & Lamunière, Pathfinders, Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 2005.
Emmanuel Caille et al., Devanthéry & Lamunière, InDetails, Archibooks Sautereau Ed, Paris, 2010.
Anne Kockelkorn and Laurent Stalder, Devanthéry – Lamunière : images d’architecture / Deux entretiens, Editions Infolio, Gollion, 2011.
Inès Lamunière, It’s all about space, ISR, Milano, 2019
Main publications in Research :
Inès Lamuniere, et al., Le Corbusier à Genève, Payot, Lausanne, 1987.
Inès Lamuniere, et al., Das Wettbewerbsprojekt für den Völkerbundspalast in Genf, 1927, GTA-ETH, Zurich, 1987.
Inès Lamuniere, et al., Bellerive-Plage, projets et chantiers, Payot, Lausanne, 1997.
Inès Lamuniere, et al., Le Corbusier : la construction de l'immeuble Clarté à Genève, Cataloghi dell'Accademia di Architettura, Gustavo Gili, Mendrisio/Milano, 1999.
Inès Lamuniere, Fo(u)r cities, PPUR, Lausanne, 2005.
Inès Lamuniere, Habiter la menace, PPUR, Lausanne, 2006.
Inès Lamuniere, Green and Grey, Urban and Natural, GSD Harvard et EPFL, Cambridge et Lausanne, 2009.
Inès Lamunière, Objets risqués - Le pari des infrastructures intégratives, PPUR, Lausanne, 2015.
Inès Lamunière, Laurent Stalder, Teaching Architecture – A Dialogue, Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 2018. Michela BonomoMichela Bonomo is a doctoral candidate in the laboratory of Architecture, Criticism, History and Theory under the supervision of Christophe Van Gerrewey.Her doctoral research centres on the building typology and the ideology of the villa in Italy with particular focus on the Postwar period investigating concepts of privilege, domesticity, ecology and subject production.
Prior to joining EPFL Michela has been a practicing Architect since 2016, working mainly on high end and luxury residential projects at Foster and Partners and Herzog De Meuron (London) and as a freelance architect on interior refurbishments.
Dieter DietzDieter Dietz has been educated at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and has studied at the Cooper Union in New York City with Diller/Scofidio. He has received his degree in architecture in 1991 at ETH Zurich. He has worked with Diane Lewis Architects in New York and with Herzog & de Meuron in Basel. With partner architect Urs Egg he was a founding member of UNDEND Architecture in Zurich in 1997, an architectural practice with award winning entries in national and international competitions. Currently he is building up, a firm engaging in projects in urban design, media and architecture. From 1996 to 1999 Dieter Dietz has taught as Junior Faculty with Professor Marc Angélil at ETH Zurich. Since 2006 Dieter Dietz is Associate Professor for Architectural Design at EPFL in Lausanne and director of the ALICE laboratory in the ENAC faculty. He collaborates with the ALICE team on research projects at diverse scales with labs inside and outside EPFL. His teaching activities include the direction of the first year architectural design course as well as projects at master and thesis level.