In abstract algebra, a multiplicatively closed set (or multiplicative set) is a subset S of a ring R such that the following two conditions hold: for all . In other words, S is closed under taking finite products, including the empty product 1. Equivalently, a multiplicative set is a submonoid of the multiplicative monoid of a ring. Multiplicative sets are important especially in commutative algebra, where they are used to build localizations of commutative rings. A subset S of a ring R is called saturated if it is closed under taking divisors: i.e., whenever a product xy is in S, the elements x and y are in S too. Examples of multiplicative sets include: the set-theoretic complement of a prime ideal in a commutative ring; the set {1, x, x2, x3, ...}, where x is an element of a ring; the set of units of a ring; the set of non-zero-divisors in a ring; 1 + I for an ideal I. the Jordan–Pólya numbers, the multiplicative closure of the factorials An ideal P of a commutative ring R is prime if and only if its complement R \ P is multiplicatively closed. A subset S is both saturated and multiplicatively closed if and only if S is the complement of a union of prime ideals. In particular, the complement of a prime ideal is both saturated and multiplicatively closed. The intersection of a family of multiplicative sets is a multiplicative set. The intersection of a family of saturated sets is saturated.