A credit bureau is a data collection agency that gathers account information from various creditors and provides that information to a consumer reporting agency in the United States, a credit reference agency in the United Kingdom, a credit reporting body in Australia, a credit information company (CIC) in India, Special Accessing Entity in the Philippines, and also to private lenders. It is not the same as a credit rating agency.
A consumer reporting agency is an organization providing information on individuals' borrowing and bill-paying habits. Such credit information institutions reduce the effect of asymmetric information between borrowers and lenders, and alleviate problems of adverse selection and moral hazard. For example, adequate credit information could facilitate lenders in screening and monitoring borrowers as well as avoiding giving loans to high risk individuals. Lenders use this to evaluate credit worthiness, the ability to pay back a loan, and can affect the interest rate and other terms of a loan. Interest rates are not the same for everyone, but instead can be based on risk-based pricing, a form of price discrimination based on the different expected risks of different borrowers, as set out in their credit rating. Consumers with poor credit repayment histories or court adjudicated debt obligations like tax liens or bankruptcies will pay a higher annual interest rate than consumers who don't have these factors. Additionally, decision-makers in areas unrelated to consumer credit, including employment screening and underwriting of property and casualty insurance, increasingly depend on credit records, as studies have shown that such records have predictive value. At the same time, consumers also benefit from a good credit information system because it reduces the effect of credit monopoly from banks and provides incentives for borrowers to repay their loans on time.
In the U.S., consumer reporting agencies collect and aggregate personal information, financial data, and alternative data on individuals from a variety of sources called data furnishers with which the reporting agencies have a relationship.
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This course gives an introduction to the modeling of interest rates and credit risk. Such models are used for the valuation of interest rate securities with and without credit risk, the management and
In this reading group, we will work together through recent important papers in applied topology.
Participants will take turns presenting articles, then leading a discussion of the contents.
La notation financière externe ou notation de la dette ou rating (dans le monde anglo-saxon) est l'appréciation, par une agence de notation financière, du risque de solvabilité financière : d’une entreprise, d’un État (« notation souveraine ») ou d’une autre collectivité publique, nationale ou locale, d’une opération (emprunt, emprunt obligataire, opération de financement structurée, titrisation, etc.), et l'attribution d'une note correspondant aux perspectives de remboursement de ses engagements envers ses créanciers — fournisseurs, banques, détenteurs d’obligations, etc.
L’évaluation des risques-clients (credit scoring ou évaluation du crédit par cote) désigne aujourd'hui un ensemble d'outils financiers d’aide à la décision utilisés pour évaluer automatiquement (par un algorithme) la solvabilité d'un « tiers » ainsi que le risque de non-remboursement de prêts ou de traites d'assurance, de loyer Aux États-Unis, le crédit scoring, inclut également les vols à l'étalage.. Ces outils sont principalement utilisés aux États-Unis (depuis plus d'un siècle) puis ont été utilisés au Canada (à partir des années 1920), dans certains pays anglophones et ailleurs.
Equifax Inc. ou Equifax est originellement une société d'évaluation de la cote de crédit, c'est-à-dire de la solvabilité et de la capacité de remboursement d'une personne ou d'une entreprise souhaitant accéder au crédit à la consommation. En Amérique du Nord et dans certains pays anglophones, ce type de "bureau de crédit" - aussi dénommé Rating Agencies - est très couramment chargé pour le compte de "prêteurs" d'évaluer les risques de défaillance de remboursement face au crédit (les francophones parlent plutôt d'Évaluation des risques-clients).
Explore les obligations légales et les considérations éthiques dans le traitement des données et l'IA, couvrant le crédit à la consommation, la protection des données et la prise de décision automatisée.
In late December 1973, the United States enacted what some would come to call “the pitbull of environmental laws.” In the 50 years since, the formidable regulatory teeth of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) have been credited with considerable successes, ob ...
We study the extent to which credit index (CDX) options are priced consistent with S&P 500 (SPX) equity index options. We derive analytical expressions for CDX and SPX options within a structural credit-risk model with stochastic volatility and jumps using ...
This thesis addresses theoretical and practical aspects of identification and subsequent control of self-exciting point processes. The main contributions correspond to four separate scientific papers.In the first paper, we address the challenge of robust i ...