PHYS-428: Relativity and cosmology IIThis course is the basic introduction to modern cosmology. It introduces students to the main concepts and formalism of cosmology, the observational status of Hot Big Bang theory
and discusses major
PHYS-643: Astrophysics VI : The variable UniverseIntroduction to time-variable astrophysical objects and processes, from Space Weather to stars, black holes, and galaxies. Introduction to time-series analysis, instrumentation targeting variability,
PHYS-435: Statistical physics IIIThis course introduces statistical field theory, and uses concepts related to phase transitions to discuss a variety of complex systems (random walks and polymers, disordered systems, combinatorial o
CS-455: Topics in theoretical computer scienceThe students gain an in-depth knowledge of several current and emerging areas of theoretical computer science. The course familiarizes them with advanced techniques, and develops an understanding of f
CS-421: Machine learning for behavioral dataComputer environments such as educational games, interactive simulations, and web services provide large amounts of data, which can be analyzed and serve as a basis for adaptation. This course will co
EE-311: Fundamentals of machine learningCe cours présente une vue générale des techniques d'apprentissage automatique, passant en revue les algorithmes, le formalisme théorique et les protocoles expérimentaux.