In physics, a force field is a vector field corresponding with a non-contact force acting on a particle at various positions in space. Specifically, a force field is a vector field , where is the force that a particle would feel if it were at the point . Gravity is the force of attraction between two objects. A gravitational force field models this influence that a massive body (or more generally, any quantity of energy) extends into the space around itself. In Newtonian gravity, a particle of mass M creates a gravitational field , where the radial unit vector points away from the particle. The gravitational force experienced by a particle of light mass m, close to the surface of Earth is given by , where g is the standard gravity. An electric field is a vector field. It exerts a force on a point charge q given by . A magnetic field is a vector field. A point charge moving through one experiences a force perpendicular to its own velocity and to the direction of the field, following the relation: . Work is dependent on the displacement as well as the force acting on an object. As a particle moves through a force field along a path C, the work done by the force is a line integral: This value is independent of the velocity/momentum that the particle travels along the path. For a conservative force field, it is also independent of the path itself, depending only on the starting and ending points. Therefore, the work for an object travelling in a closed path is zero, since its starting and ending points are the same: If the field is conservative, the work done can be more easily evaluated by realizing that a conservative vector field can be written as the gradient of some scalar potential function: The work done is then simply the difference in the value of this potential in the starting and end points of the path.