Agda (programming language)Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language originally developed by Ulf Norell at Chalmers University of Technology with implementation described in his PhD thesis. The original Agda system was developed at Chalmers by Catarina Coquand in 1999. The current version, originally known as Agda 2, is a full rewrite, which should be considered a new language that shares a name and tradition. Agda is also a proof assistant based on the propositions-as-types paradigm, but unlike Coq, has no separate tactics language, and proofs are written in a functional programming style.
Terminaison d'un algorithmeLa terminaison est une propriété fondamentale des algorithmes. Elle stipule que les calculs décrits par l'algorithme s'arrêteront. En général cet arrêt doit avoir lieu quelles que soient les données initiales que l'on fournit à l'algorithme. Si l'on veut insister sur ce point on parle alors souvent de terminaison uniforme, mais le plus généralement « terminaison » couvre aussi bien l'arrêt sur une donnée que l'arrêt sur toutes les données et c'est le contexte qui décide.
Uniqueness typeIn computing, a unique type guarantees that an object is used in a single-threaded way, with at most a single reference to it. If a value has a unique type, a function applied to it can be optimized to update the value in-place in the object code. Such in-place updates improve the efficiency of functional languages while maintaining referential transparency. Unique types can also be used to integrate functional and imperative programming. Uniqueness typing is best explained using an example.
Generalized algebraic data typeIn functional programming, a generalized algebraic data type (GADT, also first-class phantom type, guarded recursive datatype, or equality-qualified type) is a generalization of parametric algebraic data types. In a GADT, the product constructors (called data constructors in Haskell) can provide an explicit instantiation of the ADT as the type instantiation of their return value. This allows defining functions with a more advanced type behaviour.
Epigram (programming language)Epigram is a functional programming language with dependent types, and the integrated development environment (IDE) usually packaged with the language. Epigram's type system is strong enough to express program specifications. The goal is to support a smooth transition from ordinary programming to integrated programs and proofs whose correctness can be checked and certified by the compiler. Epigram exploits the Curry–Howard correspondence, also termed the propositions as types principle, and is based on intuitionistic type theory.
Type dépendantEn Informatique et en Logique, un type dépendant est un type qui peut dépendre d'une valeur définie dans le langage typé. Les langages Agda et Gallina (de l'assistant de preuve Coq) sont des exemples de langages à type dépendant. Les types dépendants permettent par exemple de définir le type des listes à n éléments. Voici un exemple en Coq. Inductive Vect (A: Type): nat -> Type := | nil: Vect A 0 | cons (n: nat) (x: A) (t: Vect A n): Vect A (S n).
Clean (programming language)Clean is a general-purpose purely functional computer programming language. It was called the Concurrent Clean System, then the Clean System, later just Clean. Clean has been developed by a group of researchers from the Radboud University in Nijmegen since 1987. The language Clean first appeared in 1987. Although development of the language has slowed, some researchers are still working in the language. In 2018, a spin-off company was founded that uses Clean.
Intuitionistic type theoryIntuitionistic type theory (also known as constructive type theory, or Martin-Löf type theory) is a type theory and an alternative foundation of mathematics. Intuitionistic type theory was created by Per Martin-Löf, a Swedish mathematician and philosopher, who first published it in 1972. There are multiple versions of the type theory: Martin-Löf proposed both intensional and extensional variants of the theory and early impredicative versions, shown to be inconsistent by Girard's paradox, gave way to predicative versions.
Type classIn computer science, a type class is a type system construct that supports ad hoc polymorphism. This is achieved by adding constraints to type variables in parametrically polymorphic types. Such a constraint typically involves a type class T and a type variable a, and means that a can only be instantiated to a type whose members support the overloaded operations associated with T.
Assistant de preuveEn informatique (ou en mathématiques assistées par informatique), un assistant de preuve est un logiciel permettant la vérification de preuves mathématiques, soit sur des théorèmes au sens usuel des mathématiques, soit sur des assertions relatives à l'exécution de programmes informatiques. Beaucoup de projets ont été lancés pour formaliser les mathématiques, en 1966, Nicolaas de Bruijn lance le projet Automath, suivi par d'autres projets.