A neutrino detector is a physics apparatus which is designed to study neutrinos. Because neutrinos only weakly interact with other particles of matter, neutrino detectors must be very large to detect a significant number of neutrinos. Neutrino detectors are often built underground, to isolate the detector from cosmic rays and other background radiation. The field of neutrino astronomy is still very much in its infancy – the only confirmed extraterrestrial sources are the Sun and the supernova 1987A in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud. Another likely source (three standard deviations) is the blazar TXS 0506+056 about 3.7 billion light years away. Neutrino observatories will "give astronomers fresh eyes with which to study the universe". Various detection methods have been used. Super Kamiokande is a large volume of water surrounded by phototubes that watch for the Cherenkov radiation emitted when an incoming neutrino creates an electron or muon in the water. The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory is similar, but uses heavy water as the detecting medium. Other detectors have consisted of large volumes of chlorine or gallium which are periodically checked for excesses of argon or germanium, respectively, which are created by neutrinos interacting with the original substance. MINOS used a solid plastic scintillator watched by phototubes; Borexino uses a liquid pseudocumene scintillator also watched by phototubes; and the NOνA detector uses a liquid scintillator watched by avalanche photodiodes. The proposed acoustic detection of neutrinos via the thermoacoustic effect is the subject of dedicated studies done by the ANTARES, IceCube, and KM3NeT collaborations. Neutrinos are omnipresent in nature: every second, tens of billions of them "pass through every square centimetre of our bodies without us ever noticing." Many were created during the Big Bang, and others are generated by nuclear reactions inside stars, planets, and by other interstellar processes.

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Cours associés (9)
PHYS-400: Selected topics in nuclear and particle physics
This course presents the physical principles and the recent research developments on three topics of particle and nuclear physics: the physics of neutrinos, dark matter, and plasmas of quarks and gluo
PHYS-416: Particle physics II
Presentation of the electroweak and strong interaction theories that constitute the Standard Model of particle physics. The course also discusses the new theories proposed to solve the problems of the
PHYS-428: Relativity and cosmology II
This course is the basic introduction to modern cosmology. It introduces students to the main concepts and formalism of cosmology, the observational status of Hot Big Bang theory and discusses major
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Séances de cours associées (43)
Détection de neutrinos: une étude de cas TDE
Explore la détection d'un neutrino PeV à partir d'un événement de rupture de marée.
Les neutrinos solaires : expériences et spectres
Explore la détection des neutrinos solaires, les spectres d'énergie, les neutrinos cosmiques, les neutrinos atmosphériques et les astroparticules de haute énergie.
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Publications associées (169)

Demonstration of particle tracking with scintillating fibres read out by a SPAD array sensor and application as a neutrino active target

Edoardo Charbon, Claudio Bruschini, Paul Mos, Kodai Kaneyasu, Michael Alan Wayne

Scintillating fibre detectors combine sub-mm resolution particle tracking, precise measurements of the particle stopping power and sub-ns time resolution. Typically, fibres are read out with silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). Hence, if fibres with a few hund ...
New York2024

Energy-Efficient Particle Accelerators for Research

Particle accelerators are the drivers for large-scale research infrastructures for particle physics but also for many branches of condensed matter research. The types of accelerator-driven research infrastructures include particle colliders, neutron, muon ...

Neutrino Signal from a Population of Seyfert Galaxies

Andrii Neronov

IceCube Collaboration has previously reported evidence for a neutrino signal from a Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068. This may suggest that all Seyfert galaxies emit neutrinos. To test this hypothesis, we identify the best candidate neutrino sources among nearby Se ...
Amer Physical Soc2024
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Concepts associés (8)
Histoire et chronologie de l'Univers
vignette|upright=1.5|Schéma simplifié des principales étapes de la formation de l'Univers.1- Big Bang.2- Ère de l'inflation.3- Découplage de l'interaction forte et faible et formation des particules.4- Formation des étoiles et galaxies. Lhistoire et la chronologie de l'Univers décrit l'évolution de l’Univers en s'appuyant sur le modèle standard de la cosmologie, fondé sur le modèle cosmologique du Big Bang et les recherches en cosmologie et en astronomie. Selon plusieurs estimations, l'âge de l'Univers serait d'environ d'années.
vignette|L'objet BL Lacertae : 0323+022 (z=0,147) vue prise par ESO NTT (filtre R). La galaxie hôte et les compagnons proches sont visibles. En astronomie, un blazar (en anglais : blazing quasi-stellar radiosource, que l'on peut traduire par « source radio éclatante quasi stellaire ») est un quasar très compact associé à un trou noir supermassif situé au centre d'un noyau actif de galaxie, très éloigné de nous.
Borexino is a deep underground particle physics experiment to study low energy (sub-MeV) solar neutrinos. The detector is the world's most radio-pure liquid scintillator calorimeter and is protected by 3,800 meters of water-equivalent depth (a volume of overhead rock equivalent in shielding power to that depth of water). The scintillator is pseudocumene and PPO which is held in place by a thin nylon sphere. It is placed within a stainless steel sphere which holds the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) used as signal detectors and is shielded by a water tank to protect it against external radiation.
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MOOCs associés (1)
The Radio Sky II: Observational Radio Astronomy
This course covers the principles and practices of radio astronomical observations, in particular with modern interferometers. Topics range from radio telescope technology to the measurement equation