In algebraic number theory, a fundamental unit is a generator (modulo the roots of unity) for the unit group of the ring of integers of a number field, when that group has rank 1 (i.e. when the unit group modulo its torsion subgroup is infinite cyclic). Dirichlet's unit theorem shows that the unit group has rank 1 exactly when the number field is a real quadratic field, a complex cubic field, or a totally imaginary quartic field. When the unit group has rank ≥ 1, a basis of it modulo its torsion is called a fundamental system of units. Some authors use the term fundamental unit to mean any element of a fundamental system of units, not restricting to the case of rank 1 (e.g. ).
For the real quadratic field (with d square-free), the fundamental unit ε is commonly normalized so that ε > 1 (as a real number). Then it is uniquely characterized as the minimal unit among those that are greater than 1. If Δ denotes the discriminant of K, then the fundamental unit is
where (a, b) is the smallest solution to
in positive integers. This equation is basically Pell's equation or the negative Pell equation and its solutions can be obtained similarly using the continued fraction expansion of .
Whether or not x2 − Δy2 = −4 has a solution determines whether or not the class group of K is the same as its narrow class group, or equivalently, whether or not there is a unit of norm −1 in K. This equation is known to have a solution if, and only if, the period of the continued fraction expansion of is odd. A simpler relation can be obtained using congruences: if Δ is divisible by a prime that is congruent to 3 modulo 4, then K does not have a unit of norm −1. However, the converse does not hold as shown by the example d = 34. In the early 1990s, Peter Stevenhagen proposed a probabilistic model that led him to a conjecture on how often the converse fails. Specifically, if D(X) is the number of real quadratic fields whose discriminant Δ < X is not divisible by a prime congruent to 3 modulo 4 and D−(X) is those who have a unit of norm −1, then
In other words, the converse fails about 42% of the time.
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En mathématiques, un entier quadratique est un nombre complexe, racine d'un polynôme unitaire du second degré à coefficients entiers. La notion de nombre algébrique de degré inférieur ou égal à 2 est plus générale : elle correspond à un nombre complexe, racine d'un polynôme du second degré à coefficients seulement rationnels. Ces nombres particuliers disposent de propriétés algébriques.
En mathématiques, un corps de nombres algébriques (ou simplement corps de nombres) est une extension finie K du corps Q des nombres rationnels. En particulier, c'est une extension algébrique : tous les éléments de K sont des nombres algébriques, dont le degré divise le degré de l'extension. C'est aussi une extension séparable car Q est de caractéristique nulle donc parfait. Tout sous-corps de C engendré par un nombre fini de nombres algébriques est un corps de nombres.
En théorie algébrique des nombres, le théorème des unités de Dirichlet détermine, pour un corps de nombres K – c'est-à-dire pour une extension finie du corps Q des nombres rationnels –, la structure du « groupe des unités » (ou : groupe des inversibles) de l'anneau de ses entiers algébriques. Il établit que ce groupe est isomorphe au produit d'un groupe cyclique fini et d'un groupe abélien libre de rang où r désigne le nombre de morphismes de K dans R et r le nombre de paires de morphismes conjugués de K dans C à valeurs non toutes réelles.
We study periodic torus orbits on spaces of lattices. Using the action of the group of adelic points of the underlying tori, we define a natural equivalence relation on these orbits, and show that the equivalence classes become uniformly distributed. This ...
We prove new equidistribution results for Galois orbits of Heegner points with respect to single reduction maps at inert primes. The arguments are based on two different techniques: primitive representations of integers by quadratic forms and distribution ...