
Lagrangien (théorie des champs)

La théorie lagrangienne des champs est un formalisme de la théorie classique des champs. C'est l'analogue de la théorie des champs de la mécanique lagrangienne. La mécanique lagrangienne est utilisée pour analyser le mouvement d'un système de particules discrètes chacune ayant un nombre fini de degrés de liberté. La théorie lagrangienne des champs s'applique aux continus et aux champs, qui ont un nombre infini de degrés de liberté. L'une des motivations du développement du formalisme lagrangien sur les champs, et plus généralement de la théorie classique des champs, est de fournir une base mathématique propre pour la théorie quantique des champs, qui est notoirement en proie à des difficultés formelles qui la rendent inacceptable en tant que théorie mathématique. Les lagrangiens présentés ici sont identiques à leurs équivalents quantiques, mais, en traitant les champs comme des champs classiques, et non comme des champs quantiques, on peut fournir des définitions et obtenir des solu
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Publications associées (12)

Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime

Kamran Salehi Vaziri

Quantum Field Theory(QFT) as one of the most promising frameworks to study high energy and condensed matter physics, has been mostly developed by perturbative methods. However, perturbative methods can only capture a small island of the space of QFTs.QFT in hyperbolic space can be used to link the conformal bootstrap and massive QFT. Conformal boundary correlators also can be studied by their general properties such as unitarity, crossing symmetry and analicity. On the other hand, by sending the curvature radius to infinity we reach to the flat-space limit in hyperbolic space. This allows us to use conformal bootstrap methods to study massive QFT in one higher dimension and calculate observables like scattering amplitudes or finding bounds on the couplings of theory. The main goal of my research during my Ph.D. would be to study QFTs in hyperbolic space to better understand strongly coupled QFTs.Hamiltonian truncation is a numerical method to study strongly coupled QFTs by imposing a UV cutoff. We use this method to study strongly coupled QFT in hyperbolic space background. For simplicity, we start with scalar field theory in 2-dimensional AdS. We expect to extract the spectrum of our theory as a function of AdS curvature and find the boundary correlation functions.

Simulated annealing study of the disordered quantum magnet LiHoxEryY1-x-yF4

Thermal and quantum phase transitions of some rare earth compounds (LiErF4, LiYbF4, LiGdF4 and LiTmF4) are established using the mean field theory. These preliminary calculations allowed evidencing the existence of a novel high-field antiferromagnetic phase in LiErF4, and a still unexplained symmetry breaking in LiGdF4. But the discrepancies with experimental results impel a more sophisticated method. We then present analytical and numerical evidence for the validity of an effective approach to the description of the dipolar coupled antiferromagnet LiErF4. We show that the approach, when implemented in mean field calculations, is able to capture both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the physics of LiErF4 at small external field and low temperature, yielding results that agree with those obtained in the full Hilbert space using mean field theory. This model nevertheless still fails to describe the LiHoF4 system and needs to be improved. We finally use this toy model as a basis for classical Monte Carlo simulations of LiErF4, which allows the calculation of thermodynamical quantities of the system, as well as the evolution of the order parameters as a function of field H and temperature T. These calculations yield results that are much closer to the experiments than those based on the mean field approximation. Although the theoretical critical temperature is still overestimated by 34%, the critical exponents computed from this effective model correspond to those found experimentally.


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Concepts associés (98)
Théorie quantique des champs
vignette|296x296px|Ce diagramme de Feynman représente l'annihilation d'un électron et d'un positron, qui produit un photon (représenté par une ligne ondulée bleue). Ce photon se décompose en une paire
Théorie de jauge
En physique théorique, une théorie de jauge est une théorie des champs basée sur un groupe de symétrie locale, appelé groupe de jauge, définissant une « invariance de jauge ». Le prototype le plus si
Relativité générale
La relativité générale est une théorie relativiste de la gravitation, c'est-à-dire qu'elle décrit l'influence de la présence de matière, et plus généralement d'énergie, sur le mouvement des astres e
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Cours associés (15)
PHYS-739: Conformal Field theory and Gravity
This course is an introduction to the non-perturbative bootstrap approach to Conformal Field Theory and to the Gauge/Gravity duality, emphasizing the fruitful interplay between these two ideas.
PHYS-202: Analytical mechanics (for SPH)
Présentation des méthodes de la mécanique analytique (équations de Lagrange et de Hamilton) et introduction aux notions de modes normaux et de stabilité.
PHYS-432: Quantum field theory II
The goal of the course is to introduce relativistic quantum field theory as the conceptual and mathematical framework describing fundamental interactions.
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