Pandora (console portable)La Pandora est une console de jeux vidéo portable. Son firmware est une distribution GNU/Linux, ce qui la rapproche de la GP2X. Cependant, la Pandora est conçue de façon à être la plus performante possible, ce qui mène à la considérer plus comme un UMPC orienté jeux vidéo. L'élaboration de la Pandora a commencé lorsque Craig Rothwell, Michael Weston et Michael Mrozek se sont réunis et ont planifié un dispositif portable qui excellerait là où la GP32 et la GP2X (de Gamepark et Gamepark Holdings respectivement) ont des lacunes.
Unofficial patchAn unofficial patch is a patch for a piece of software, created by a third party such as a user community without the involvement of the original developer. Similar to an ordinary patch, it alleviates bugs or shortcomings. Unofficial patches do not usually change the intended usage of the software, in contrast to other third-party software adaptions such as mods or cracks. A common motivation for the creation of unofficial patches is missing technical support by the original software developer or provider.
List of commercial video games with later released source codeThis is a list of commercial video games with later released available source code. The source code of these commercially developed and distributed video games is available to the public or the games' communities. Commercial video games are typically developed as proprietary closed source software products, with the source code treated as a trade secret (unlike open-source video games). When there is no more expected revenue, these games enter the end-of-life as a product with no support or availability for the game's users and community, becoming abandoned.
Source portA source port is a software project based on the source code of a game engine that allows the game to be played on operating systems or computing platforms with which the game was not originally compatible. Source ports are often created by fans after the original developer hands over the maintenance support for a game by releasing its source code to the public (see List of commercial video games with later released source code). The term was coined after the release of the source code to Doom.
Logiciel abandonnéUn logiciel abandonné, ou abandogiciel, ou par anglicisme un abandonware, est un logiciel (le plus souvent un jeu vidéo, voire un logiciel utilitaire) considéré comme abandonné sous prétexte qu'il n'est plus en vente ou mis à jour par son éditeur ou ayant droit, si bien que certains utilisateurs prennent des libertés par rapport à la législation sur la propriété intellectuelle en l'utilisant, le reproduisant et le partageant gratuitement bien qu'il soit encore protégé.