AR-465: Urban habitat and developementCentré sur les formes d'habitat des plus pauvres dans les pays du Sud et du Nord et les contextes de crises, en particulier les architectures d'urgence, le cours propose une analyse critique de l'urba
ENG-410: Energy supply, economics and transitionThis course examines energy systems from various angles: available resources, how they can be combined or substituted, their private and social costs, whether they can meet the energy demand, and how
CH-419: Protein mass spectrometry and proteomicsIn systems biology, proteomics represents an essential pillar. The understanding of protein function and regulation provides key information to decipher the complexity of living systems. Proteomic tec
HUM-233: Film history and theoryLE CINEMA, UN ART DU MONTAGE ? TECHNIQUE, ESTHETIQUE, THEORIE : Ce cours vise à proposer une histoire du cinéma au prisme du montage, envisagé autant comme pratique technique que comme concept théoriq
AR-502: The origins of domestic spaceThe course is part of a three-year trajectory dedicated to a comprehensive history of domestic space and its relationship with urban form. This year the course will be devoted to the origins of domest
HUM-485: Data in context: Critical Data Studies ILe cours "Critical Data Studies" s'inscrit dans la nouvelle offre d'enseignements TILT qui propose de croiser des savoirs provenant des SHS et des sciences de l'ingénieur afin d'aborder des thématique
AR-301(o): Studio BA5 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-302(o): Studio BA6 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-402(o): Studio MA2 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-401(o): Studio MA1 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit