The ultimate goal of semantic technology is to help machines understand data. To enable the encoding of semantics with the data, well-known technologies are RDF (Resource Description Framework) and OWL (Web Ontology Language). These technologies formally represent the meaning involved in information. For example, ontology can describe concepts, relationships between things, and categories of things. These embedded semantics with the data offer significant advantages such as reasoning over data and dealing with heterogeneous data sources.
In software, semantic technology encodes meanings separately from data and content files, and separately from application code. This enables machines as well as people to understand, share and reason with them at execution time. With semantic technologies, adding, changing and implementing new relationships or interconnecting programs in a different way can be just as simple as changing the external model that these programs share.
With traditional information technology, on the other hand, meanings and relationships must be predefined and "hard wired" into data formats and the application program code at design time. This means that when something changes, previously unexchanged information needs to be exchanged, or two programs need to interoperate in a new way, the humans must get involved.
Off-line, the parties must define and communicate between them the knowledge needed to make the change, and then recode the data structures and program logic to accommodate it, and then apply these changes to the database and the application. Then, and only then, can they implement the changes.
Semantic technologies are "meaning-centered". They involve but are not limited to the following areas of application:
encoding/decoding of semantic representation,
knowledge graphs of entities and their interrelationships,
auto-recognition of topics and concepts,
information and meaning extraction,
semantic data integration, and
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This course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.
Explore la représentation des connaissances, l'extraction de l'information et la vision du Web sémantique, en mettant l'accent sur la normalisation, la cartographie et les ontologies dans la structuration des données.
Web Ontology Language (OWL) est un langage de représentation des connaissances construit sur le modèle de données de RDF. Il fournit les moyens pour définir des ontologies web structurées. Sa deuxième version est devenue une recommandation du W3C fin 2012. Le langage OWL est basé sur les recherches effectuées dans le domaine de la logique de description.
Dans le domaine de la représentation des connaissances, un graphe de connaissances (knowledge graph en anglais) est une base de connaissance modélisant les données sous forme de représentation graphique. Depuis le développement du web sémantique, les graphes de connaissances sont souvent associés aux projets de données ouvertes du web des données, visant surtout à connecter les concepts et entités. Ils sont fortement liés aux et utilisés par les moteurs de recherches, dont certains, tels Google, ont développé leur propre graphe de connaissances. est un schéma de micro-données utilisé sur le Web. Les micro-données permettent aux robots d'indexation de saisir plus précisément le sens des pages indexées. Le projet a défini une méthode pour étendre le mécanisme avec de nouvelles propriétés, et une adaptation du schéma au format RDF est disponible. À terme, il est également prévu de supporter plusieurs formats différents en plus des micro-données. Une liste de diffusion permet de coordonner le projet. L'initiative est lancée conjointement par Bing, Google et Yahoo! le .
Various endeavours into semantic web technologies and ontology engineering have been made within the organisation of cultural data, facilitating public access to digital assets. Although models for conceptualising objects have reached a certain level of ma ...
Investigating the intangible nature of a cultural domain can take multiple forms, addressing for example the aesthetic, epistemic and social dimensions of its phenomenology. The context of Southern Chinese martial arts is of particular significance as it c ...
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Deep saliency prediction algorithms complement the object recognition features, they typically rely on additional information, such as scene context, semantic relationships, gaze direction, and object dissimilarity. However, none of these models consider t ...