A relationship breakup, breakup, or break-up is the termination of a relationship. The act is commonly termed "dumping [someone]" in slang when it is initiated by one partner. The term is less likely to be applied to a married couple, where a breakup is typically called a separation or divorce. When a couple engaged to be married breaks up, it is typically called a "broken engagement". People commonly think of breakups in a romantic aspect, however, there are also non-romantic and platonic breakups, and this type of relationship dissolution is usually caused by failure to maintain a friendship.
Susie Orbach (1992) has argued that the dissolution of dating and cohabiting relationships can be as painful as or more painful than divorce because these nonmarital relationships are less socially recognized.
Kamiar-K. Rueckert argues with the works of Donald Winnicott that the ability to be alone is an essentially healthy sign of emotional development and maturity. Once a child has obtained closeness and attachment by their early caregivers, they are able to develop autonomy and identity. If children have not introjected the good and protective qualities of their parents, they will fear separation and break-ups.
Several psychological models have been proposed to explain the process of a relationship breakup, many suggesting that relationship dissolution occurs in stages.
Mark L. Knapp, a foundational scholar on the subject of interpersonal relationships, created a model called Knapp's relational development model. He describes two separate phases of relationships, coming together and coming apart.
The coming together phase is meant to be long-term, beginning in the initiation phase and becoming deeper with time and intimacy. In the coming apart phase, differentiating begins. This is when the individuals began noticing differences that may seem unnegotiable or place pressure on the relationship. This leads to circumscribing where the individuals begin to pull apart, set boundaries, and have their own independent lives.
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vignette|droite|250px|alt=Une famille Inuit est assise sur un tronc devant une tente. Les parents, portant de chauds vêtements fait de peaux animales, s'occupent de tâches ménagères. Entre eux est assis un jeune enfant, habillé de la même façon, qui regarde l'appareil photo. Un bébé est suspendu au dos de la mère.|Pour les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants, le comportement d'attachement permet de maintenir la proximité avec les figures d'attachement, habituellement les parents. Photo d'une famille inuit prise en 1917.
vignette|Relation humaine. Une relation humaine implique au moins deux êtres humains et est souvent décrite via des aspects différents, si l'on s'intéresse à la nature de la relation ou si l'on s'intéresse aux personnes en relation. Plusieurs disciplines universitaires travaillent à l'analyser. Certaines étudient régulièrement les questions que pose la société contemporaine : la psychologie, les sciences de la communication, la sociologie ; d'autres se placent dans la perspective de l'anthropologie, de la sémiotique ou allient les deux comme l'anthroposémiotique.
vignette|Sculpture représentant un couple marié dans la Rome antique.vignette|Les Époux Arnolfini de Jan van Eyck.vignette|Mariage de Willem-Alexander et Máxima, 2002. Le mariage est une union conjugale contractuelle et/ou rituelle, à durée illimitée, déterminée ou indéterminée, reconnue et encadrée par une institution juridique ou religieuse qui en détermine les modalités. Le terme désigne à la fois la cérémonie rituelle, l'union qui en est issue et l'institution en définissant les règles.
This paper investigates the relationship between the state and India's rural informal sector by focusing on the collective mobilizations of middle-sized agricultural producers in Western Uttar Pradesh. These cultivators are involved in an economic sector w ...
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